6,781 Closed: Virus scanner connection failure

by vinacc

6,783 Closed: postfix/proxymap permission issue

by sherwood

6,785 SOGo

by jwegge

6,786 PHP7.2 confliction

by condescendent

6,788 Closed: index generation failed

by bijuedathodi

6,789 Closed: User creation failure -9.5-1

by bijuedathodi

6,790 Attachments not working

by sdfineit

6,791 Closed: Roundcube Managesieve error

by posa68

6,792 TTLS in Postfix

by juanmpo

6,793 Closed: URGENT : Mail Server have been attack

by jackavin

6,794 Closed: Missing/broken packages?

by theshady1

6,795 is there any internal db ?

by elhamhaghayegh

6,798 Local delivering and mx record

by megalooser@gmail.com

6,799 fail2ban status not OK

by Kris01

6,803 Installation Errors On FreeBSD

by lostinignorance

6,804 Lost message

by good4xp

6,806 Error Install Iredmail on FreeBSD 9.3

by simatupang2000

6,809 where sa-lern config

by jackavin