Topic: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our iRedAdmin-Pro and iRedMail Easy Customers
We are incredibly grateful for your continued support. As you already know, first stable release of our flagship product "iRedMail Enterprise Edition" version v1.0.0 is out. As part of our commitment to you, we’re pleased to offer the following benefits for our iRedAdmin-Pro and iRedMail Easy customers.
For iRedAdmin-Pro Customers:
If you purchased an iRedAdmin-Pro license before January 25, 2025 (excluding the 25th) AND it’s still valid, we’re offering you an EE license with unlimited mailboxes support at no additional cost. This EE license will have the same expiration date and renewal fee ($250 per year) as your current iRedAdmin-Pro license.
Exception: If you hold a lifetime iRedAdmin-Pro license (last sold in January 2015, which was 10 years ago), your complimentary EE license will be valid for one year.
Your existing iRedAdmin-Pro license remains valid. After migrating to iRedMail EE, you can choose to use either license and renew only one—or continue using both if you prefer.
For iRedMail Easy Customers:
If you’re on an annual subscription, we’re offering you an EE license with unlimited mailboxes support, and same expiration date as your iRedMail Easy subscription -- completely free. The renewal fee will match that of the iRedAdmin-Pro license ($250 per year).
If you’re on a monthly plan, simply switch to the annual plan, then we’ll provide you with an EE license aligned with your new annual subscription term, also at no extra cost.
Please note that the iRedMail Easy platform will be discontinued on January 25, 2026.
How to get the free EE license
You're free to request the free EE license anytime BEFORE your iRedAdmin-Pro license or iRedMail Easy subscription expired. We will generate the EE license key for you as soon as possible.
Please sign up to our iRedMail Store:
Login to iRedMail Store and create a ticket with your valid iRedAdmin-Pro license key. We will create EE license for you as soon as possible.
Migration Tutorials
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.