Re: How do run the script using iRedMail?

Tamila wrote:

I use iRedMail 1.7.1, and I want to run a simple script "test.sh" when I receive an email from the sender thomas2024@mail.com

What do you want to do with this "test.sh" script? If you don't mind sharing.


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.

27 (edited by Tamila 2025-03-06 15:15:13)

Re: How do run the script using iRedMail?

There are a lot of people here, but only two people  wanted to help me.
No one else wanted to help me more.

Then I asked Grock AI for help.
After a few attempts, he prepared instructions for setting up Sieve for me, and now it really works!  :=)

It turns out that just one AI can do more than all of you put together :-(