7,025 Closed: problem with shared folders

by sentosa

7,026 Logwatch 7.4.0

by kysil

7,029 Customise roundcube Logo

by vtinka

7,030 Closed: Find and delete mails from all mailboxes

by samtech

7,032 Closed: Creating object classes

by hautrancong

7,034 Closed: Lockdown access to web interfaces

by purathal

7,035 Closed: RCM_DB_PASSWD for what service

by sherwood

7,036 Closed: Vacation Plugin

by andreluizpr

7,037 Closed: Virus scanner connection failure

by vinacc

7,039 Closed: postfix/proxymap permission issue

by sherwood

7,041 SOGo

by jwegge

7,042 PHP7.2 confliction

by condescendent

7,044 Closed: index generation failed

by bijuedathodi

7,045 Closed: User creation failure -9.5-1

by bijuedathodi

7,046 Attachments not working

by sdfineit

7,047 Closed: Roundcube Managesieve error

by posa68

7,048 TTLS in Postfix

by juanmpo

7,049 Closed: URGENT : Mail Server have been attack

by jackavin

7,050 Closed: Missing/broken packages?

by theshady1