9,211 backup not performed

by mir

9,214 Closed: reject_sender_login_mismatch and aliases

by camel1cz

9,216 Amavais database size

by misieq

9,217 Closed: backup script

by henriknoerr

9,222 ClamAV errors

by apocalipse89

9,223 Closed: Set multiple domains for one email

by apocalipse89

9,225 Prevent deletion of messages

by dbphoto84

9,227 ClavAV 0.98.5 Update

by lhwebtek

9,229 Owncloud LDAP filter

by Nassz

9,230 Upgrade path to Centos 7

by annonman

9,231 Malware - My new photo

by jlcmux

9,232 how to add domain to whitelist

by madssigvert

9,237 sasl is not enabled

by noob

9,238 My server send spam.

by jlcmux

9,239 Closed: Extremely slow to receive e-mails

by enrique.weber

9,240 Closed: IDN support still not fixed in iredadmin

by antoniob