11,822 Dovecot-1 upgrade Dovecot-2

by melaleuca5

11,823 DBmail - Changed hostname

by nvc1

11,828 spf=neutral

by vivekrock8

11,829 Closed: [RESOLVED] Unable to receive e-mail

by ajsekeris

11,830 Authenticate LDAP on one server

by chinthaka

11,833 Improving ACL's to iRedAdmin

by Pafnucy

11,834 problem with phpldapadmin

by mekerri

11,836 Upgrade Dovocot to 2.1?

by dominic_wong

11,837 Cannot send mail to hotmail

by lechevo

11,838 IRedmail+pine setup

by callmerupesh

11,841 Too many invalid IMAP commands.

by Tallaril

11,847 iRedMail errors

by ChristianLJ

11,848 Move users in LDAP

by balthazar997

11,850 disable amavisd

by dozier