Hi Trigg,
Under directory /root/, can you find some directory starts with "iRedMail-"? e.g. iRedMail-0.7.4. If so, can you find this file: /root/iRedMail-0.7.4/iRedMail.tips? It stores all related URLs of web applications, usernames/passwords of all mail server related applications. Try logging in web applications with the usernames/passwords.
If you cannont find /root/iRedMail-*, then try this:
- Open /etc/ldap/slapd.conf, you can find two parameters: rootdn, rootpw. Please remember the value of rootdn (it should be "cn=Manager,dc=xxx"), and update parameter "rootpw" to a plain password. For example:
Save and restart OpenLDAP service (it should be /etc/init.d/slapd or /etc/init.d/ldap).
- You can now login to phpLDAPadmin with rootdn and password, the web URL should be: httpS://your_server/phpldapadmin/ . Username is the value of rootdn in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf, password is the value of rootpw (123456 in above example).
- After logged into phpLDAPadmin, please expand LDAP tree in left panel, you can find all admin accounts under LDAP object: o=domainAdmins,dc=xxx. For example, admin "mail=xxx@domain.ltd,o=domainAdmins,dc=xxx". You can click these admin accounts, and update their passwords.
- After changed admin passwords, you can login to iRedAdmin - the official web-based admin panel for iRedMail. The url is httpS://your_server/iredadmin/ Username is the full email address of admin accounts under LDAP object o=domainAdmins,dc=xxx. For example, xxx@domain.ltd in above example.
- After logged into iRedAdmin, you can manage mail accounts and admin accounts.
Hope it helps.
Note: After you solved this issue, do not forget to update "rootpw" in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf with an encrypted password. You can get encrypted password with below command (of course do not use "123456" as your password, just an example):
# slappasswd -h {SSHA} -s "123456"
Then paste "{SSHA}IB2Sjhj7UlPFn7Zr5dY3Wjqwlt7uLbgn" as value of rootpw like below:
rootpw {SSHA}IB2Sjhj7UlPFn7Zr5dY3Wjqwlt7uLbgn
Restarting OpenLDAP service is required.