11,971 Closed: Forward to PHP file

by jfreak53

11,972 Closed: Table 'vmail.log' doesn't exist

by tomcats

11,975 Too much spam

by manunauta

11,977 Closed: Migrating to iRed. Dovecote Deliver issues

by Muzzzdy

11,979 error after install

by Ulkiukas

11,980 Back-up / Archive strategy?

by rooster

11,981 Recipients limit?

by manunauta

11,983 Closed: Filters on Roundcube webmail

by learnIT

11,984 Internal Mail relay

by tomb

11,985 Closed: Cant remove email value in ldapadmin

by weedo

11,986 Closed: SMTP TLS SSL error

by 24hours

11,987 Cant read lastloginipv4

by redbaron

11,989 send FAX problem by email

by jose luis

11,990 Closed: Manual Installation

by ramsri

11,993 Feature Request

by cl445

11,994 Closed: Disable ClamAV and Turn off

by jfreak53

11,995 Closed: Banned File View Quarantine Iredmail-pro

by moreni

11,999 question about the domain name

by d783970

12,000 Closed: Unable query ad_virtual_group_maps

by learnIT