12,602 problem post power-cut

by goraxmax

12,603 mail forward to 2 mail server

by iwansoenarto

12,604 moving domains

by kromcuich

12,606 Installation Failed

by obsideus

12,609 Mail Disappears in Client inbox

by johnking

12,610 security patches update.

by iredadminpro_user

12,611 Alias with LDAP

by yorgi

12,615 OpenLDAP backend modifying

by mmesh

12,617 Replicate OpenLDAP?

by Spångberg

12,620 Spam Quarantine

by yorgi

12,622 Need to keep mail log for 1 month

by russel_sc

12,623 Need help with relayhost!!!

by darktron

12,627 uggs uk

by jytuf

12,628 Per User Seen Flag

by jonnytabpni

12,629 several problems

by KuzCO