Hello Zhang,
I think the slowness is the size of the tables msgrcpt and also the amount of records in the database in MySQL amavis
In my case see the values :
-> Table msgrcpt: 1,626,486 records -> 426MB
-> Table msg: 1,723,211 records -> 1.2 GB
If we implement a routine cleanup of these tables keeping only the last two or three days would not solve the problem? I see no need to keep 30 days of registration.
Perhaps using the instructions:
echo "DELETE msgrcpt msgrcpt .* FROM INNER JOIN Message USING (mail_id) msgs.content WHERE IN ('U', 'M', 'H', 'O', 'C') AND time_num <UNIX_TIMESTAMP (DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 2 DAY)) "| mysql-u root-p amavisd
echo "DELETE FROM msgs WHERE msgs.content IN ('U', 'M', 'H', 'O', 'C') AND time_num <UNIX_TIMESTAM
Do you think this could solve?
Marcelo Martinatti==== Provide basic information to help troubleshoot ====
- iRedMail version: iRedMail-0.7.3 / iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL-1.3.0
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debian Squeeze 64
- Any related log? Log is helpful for troubleshooting.
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