Topic: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

Hi, all.

iRedAdmin-0.1.1 (Open Source Edition) is ready, you can translate it to your local language now.

You can download PO file here:
http://iredadmin.iredmail.googlecode.co … edadmin.po

Translate it to your local language, save it in UTF-8 encoding, and then mail me or reply this topic.

Don't forget to tell me the short language name you used, such as:

  • English -> en_US

  • French -> fr_FR

  • Deutsch (Deutsch) -> de_DE

Thanks very much. smile


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

I'd like to contribute a Vietnamese translation.
Vietnamese  vi_VN

Post's attachments

iredadmin_vi_VN.po 21.31 kb, 6 downloads since 2009-10-03 

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Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

lmthong wrote:

I'd like to contribute a Vietnamese translation.
Vietnamese  vi_VN

Imported, Thanks for your contribution. smile

4 (edited by zolikusz 2009-11-02 21:39:16)

Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

I made the Hungarian translation.
Hungarian  hu_HU

I was modified because it was two small mistake

Post's attachments

iredadmin_hu_HU.po 21.66 kb, 2 downloads since 2009-11-02 

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Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

zolikusz wrote:

I made the Hungarian translation.

http://code.google.com/p/iredmail/sourc … =iredadmin

Thanks for your help.

And would you mind help us translate iRedAdmin full-featured edition? Here is po file: http://iredmail.googlecode.com/hg/extra … min-ent.po

6 (edited by zolikusz 2009-11-04 17:22:39)

Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

This is the full-featured Hungarian translation.

Hungarian  hu_HU

Post's attachments

iredadmin-ent_hu_HU.po 34.47 kb, 2 downloads since 2009-11-04 

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Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

Big thanks, @zolikusz. smile


Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

Traslated to Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR for me tongue

Post's attachments

iredadmin.po 21.36 kb, 3 downloads since 2009-12-02 

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Re: Call for translators: iRedAdmin translation

giorgiolago wrote:

Traslated to Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR for me tongue

Imported, thanks for your great work smile
http://code.google.com/p/iredmail/sourc … =iredadmin

You can test it in our demo (open source edition):