Ok, i have encoutered a problem. i have menaged to get it all work but the ireadmin 0.1.3 panel doesn't read settings.ini file corectly.
I have copied the settings.ini file from iRedAdmin 0.1.3 to iReadAdmin 0.1.6. and here is the problem when I create user:
- with 0.1.3. it gives this:
storageBaseDirectory: /var/vmail
mailMessageStore: vmail01/hidden.hr/p/pe/per/perostari-2012.
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/vmail01/hidden.hr/p/pe/per/perostari-2012.
- with 0.1.6.
storageBaseDirectory: /var
mailMessageStore: vmail/hidden.hr/p/e/r/pero-2012.
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/hidden.hr/p/e/r/pero-2012.
This is my settings.ini file (I have left the less important parts):
# Site webmaster's mail address.
# Database backend: ldap.
backend = ldap
# Base directory used to store all mail data.
# You can find it via command:
# $ sudo postconf virtual_mailbox_base
storage_base_directory = /var/vmail
# Storage node. Example: vmail1, vmail2, vmail3.
# Useful to serve large amount of accounts, store mailboxes on multiple
# hard disks.
# Full mailbox base directory will be:
# ${storage_base_directory}/${storage_node}
storage_node = vmail01
# Mailbox type: maildir, mbox.
# maildir is recommend for better performance.
mailbox_type = maildir
# Hashed maildir: True, False.
# Example:
# - hashed: domain.ltd/u/us/use/username-2009.
# - non-hashed: domain.ltd/username-2009.
# hashed maildir is RECOMMEND for better performance.
hashed_maildir = True
# Default quota size (in MB). 0 means unlimited.
default_quota = 1024
# Default mta transport.
# Warning: Please DO use 'dovecot' as transport for iRedMail.
mtaTransport = 3306 - in settings.ini.ldap.sample here it says dovecot, should I replace this line with dovecot?
# Show user login date instead of created date: True, False.
# Note: iRedAdmin open source edition doesn't support this feature now.
show_login_date = False
# Settings used for LDAP backend.
# LDAP server uri.
# Warning: LDAPS is not supported yet.
uri = ldap://
# LDAP protocol version. 3 (LDAP v3) is recommend.
protocol_version = 3
# Trace level of LDAP operations: 0, 2, [...], 255.
# 0 is recommend for production use.
trace_level = 0
# LDAP suffix.
# basedn: dn which contains virtual domains.
# domainadmin_dn: dn which contains virtual domain admins.
basedn = o=domains,dc=hidden,dc=hr
domainadmin_dn = o=domainAdmins,dc=hidden,dc=hr
Somehow the new iRedAdmin 0.1.6 ignores the setting storage_node = vmail0, and just reads storage_base_directory = /var/vmail.
This is my postfix virtual_mailbox_base = /var/vmail
This is my entry in dovecot-ldap.conf
hosts =
ldap_version = 3
auth_bind = yes
dn = cn=vmail,dc=hidden,dc=hr
dnpass = Lw8PlLzq1z4BVUivvuHD15eU1mzgjz
base = o=domains,dc=agr,dc=hr
scope = subtree
deref = never
user_filter = (&(objectClass=mailUser)(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=%Ls%Lc)(|(mail=%u)(&(enabledService=shadowaddress)(shadowAddress=%u))))
pass_filter = (&(objectClass=mailUser)(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=%Ls%Lc)(|(mail=%u)(&(enabledService=shadowaddress)(shadowAddress=%u))))
pass_attrs = mail=user,userPassword=password
default_pass_scheme = CRYPT
user_attrs = mail=user,homeDirectory=home,mailMessageStore=mail=maildir:/var/vmail/%$/Maildir/,mailQuota=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$
I have gonne through tutoruials few times just to check if I have missed something but I did all well so maybe there is a bug in iRedAdmin 0.1.6? Or the storage_node is gone in new version?
I know I can fix it by:
1) just adding vmail01 to storage_base_directory = /var/vmail
2) writting a script that changes all the entries in LDAP by changing all the users I can see by slapcat -f /etc/ldap/slapd-iredmail.conf so that everyone have this:
storageBaseDirectory: /var
mailMessageStore: vmail/hidden.hr/etc.
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/hidden.hr/etc.
And moving users maildirs from /var/vmail/vmail01/hidden.hr/etc. to /var/vmail/hidden.hr/etc.
If storage_node gets ignored I'm gladely to do option 2) to have all the data unified and in the same format. I presume it will work with postfix, dovecot and roundcube and I don't even have to create symlinks for old location in example ln -s /var/vmail/hidden.hr /var/vmail/vmail01/hidden.hr?
Thanks a lot for your answer