Topic: Unable to set up required aliases for mailman using iredmail with ldap

==== Provide required information to help troubleshoot and get quick answer ====
- iRedMail version: 0.7.4
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debian
- Any related log? Log is helpful for troubleshooting.

I've installed mailman and are trying to integrate it with iredmail. I found a tutorial, howtoforge.com/installing-iredmail-and-mailman-on-debian-squeeze , which uses SQL backend, I'm trying to wrap my mind around how to make the same settings in OpenLDAP.

What I did was create a new domain called lists.somedomain.xx

# LDIF for lists.somdomain.xx
version: 1

dn: domainName=lists.somedomain.xx,o=domains,dc=somedomain,dc=no
objectClass: mailDomain
objectClass: top
domainName: lists.somedomain.xx
accountStatus: active
enabledService: mail
mtaTransport: mailman:

Then I went to the original domain and tried to setup aliases, for example I want mailman@somedomain.xx to be forwarded to mailman@lists.somedomain.xx. The LDIF for this entry is:

dn: mail=mailman@somedomain.xx,ou=Aliases,domainName=somedomain.xx,o=domains,dc=somedomain,dc=no
objectClass: mailAlias
objectClass: top
objectClass: mailUser
mail: mailman@somedomain.xx
uid: mailman
accountStatus: active
cn: GNU Mailman
enabledService: forward
enabledService: deliver
mailForwardingAddress: mailman@lists.somedomain.xx

By running "postmap -q mailman@somedomain.xx ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/virtual_alias_maps.cf" I get no output. Anyone got any suggestions on how I should configure this?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Unable to set up required aliases for mailman using iredmail with ldap

torkel.lyng wrote:

dn: mail=mailman@somedomain.xx,ou=Aliases,domainName=somedomain.xx,o=domains,dc=somedomain,dc=no

The LDIF data of this mail user is incomplete.

Here's sample one:

dn: mail=super@test.com,ou=Users,domainName=test.com,o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org
accountStatus: active
amavisLocal: TRUE
cn: samay
enabledService: mail
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: lda
enabledService: smtp
enabledService: smtpsecured
enabledService: pop3
enabledService: pop3secured
enabledService: imap
enabledService: imapsecured
enabledService: managesieve
enabledService: managesievesecured
enabledService: sieve
enabledService: sievesecured
enabledService: forward
enabledService: senderbcc
enabledService: recipientbcc
enabledService: internal
enabledService: shadowaddress
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/vmail1/test.com/s/u/p/super-2012.
mail: super@test.com
mailMessageStore: vmail1/test.com/s/u/p/super-2012.
mailQuota: 104857600
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: mailUser
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: amavisAccount
shadowLastChange: 0
sn: super
storageBaseDirectory: /var/vmail
uid: super
userPassword: {SSHA}tM7GyBP33+2JvGM3NXi+9a669MkUq1VQdAj3/A==