Topic: Can i install Zarafa alongside roundcube?
Just like to know!
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iRedMail → iRedMail Support → Can i install Zarafa alongside roundcube?
Just like to know!
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.Sorry, i'm not familiar with Zarafa, you have to test it yourself.
Os course you can do. alltough i would recommend installing on seperate systems.
at the moment i have a Zarafa installation in a testing system, which replicates the ldap of iredmail. via postfix transport my iredmail system sends mails for specific users to my zarafa system and my zarafa system sends mail via relayhost to my iredmail system.
if you have any questions feel free to ask.
I'm trying to run iRedmail Pro and Zarafa together as well. Can you outline the details of how you got this to work? I'm experienced at installing iRedmail and I just installed Zarafa a few times, so I'm familiar with both installs just not running them together.
where are you located? Just write me an email and I outline you the neccessary steps.
Hi Felix: I'm in Toronto, Canada - EST. I'll shoot you an email. Thanks for helping me much appreciated.
could you provide your solution for combining iRedmail and Zarafa to the community?
I am also very interested in that combination as iRedmail offers an easy setup of email/antispam/antivirus while Zarafa/Z-push adds push functionality for email, contacs and calendar.
So a detailed outline of all necessary steps would be very helpful.
send me a message via the forum and we can agree on the conditions for such a tutorial. As you are most propably taking money for offering such a solution, I am also willing to take money for my modifications. ;-)
As you are most propably taking money for offering such a solution, I am also willing to take money for my modifications. ;-)
Thanks for your offer ;-) but my project is just private. I'd like to have my own Exchange-like account with push features on my mobile phone at the lowest rate. A Debian based homeserver with iRedmail and Zarafa makes this possible.
I managed it (Exchange feature on my mobile) just with postfix and Zarafa but failed adding and configuring antispam and antivirus which works perfectly with iRedmail out of the box. That's why I want them working together...
Then you could take a look at either Z-Admin ( … arq/zadmin) or the Collax Groupware Server ( … rces#tab_0). Both are available for free (there is a free of charge community edition of the collax product) and provide you with preconfigured Amavis and Spamassassin.
In my experience you should not setup two mailsystems on the same host, so you would have to use two servers/vms anyway to get the best results.
@ fbartels
Thank you so much for this great hint. Life can be so easy :-) Thats what I needed.
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