=ZhangHuangbin]openSUSE doesn't ship Apache modules: mod_auth_mysql and mod_auth_pgsql, so iRedMail didn't configure Cluebringer webui. You have to install and configure it manually.
Do you have any record in table "greylisting"? Show us output of below commands:
mysql> SELECT * FROM greylisting \G
mysql> SELECT * FROM policies;
mysql> SELECT * FROM policy_groups;
mysql> SELECT * FROM policy_group_members;
mysql> select * from greylisting \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
ID: 1
PolicyID: 3
Name: Greylisting Inbound Emails
UseGreylisting: 1
GreylistPeriod: 240
Track: SenderIP:/24
GreylistAuthValidity: 604800
GreylistUnAuthValidity: 86400
UseAutoWhitelist: 1
AutoWhitelistPeriod: 604800
AutoWhitelistCount: 100
AutoWhitelistPercentage: 90
UseAutoBlacklist: 1
AutoBlacklistPeriod: 604800
AutoBlacklistCount: 100
AutoBlacklistPercentage: 20
Disabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
| ID | Name | Priority | Description | Disabled |
| 1 | Default | 0 | Default System Policy | 0 |
| 2 | Default Outbound | 10 | Default Outbound System Policy | 0 |
| 3 | Default Inbound | 10 | Default Inbound System Policy | 0 |
| 4 | Default Internal | 20 | Default Internal System Policy | 0 |
| 5 | Test | 50 | Test policy | 0 |
here may be the rub... my real domain is not listed in this table.... Is it just a matter of adding a record to the policy_domain_members table for each domain I want greylisting on?
current records for :, @example.com, @example.org, @<mydomain>.net
my true domain that is actually getting mail is "<mydomain>.com"