"What iRedMail is
•A fully fledged email server solution"
Does your point of view mean that above is no longer true?
When you say "adding more functionality" do you mean email related functionality or "nothing-to-do-with-email functionality"?
In case of first, I agree that that would bring new people who wants fully fledged email system. In case of second, what will happen when a new group says that they want to replace jabber with something else?
Would you waste time discusing non-email-related issues running on a syste,that has to do only one, and a couple related, email related services?
When you say "The more folks help with testing" do you mean testing email server setup or testing services that are not email related?
If iredmail is really going to be a colaboration suite, it would be fair to declare that first.
I know that jabber is another form of communication. As well as any BB.
All I am saying it is not at all email type of communication.
What attracted people here are "A fully fledged email server solution", which translate to "if any issue, it would be only email related issue"
Not words like "A fully fledged all-kinds-of-communication server solution" which translate to "who knows what will confict with what"
Email administrators are not always interested in managing jabber type of service, nor do I think that most of them woould like to have it incorporated on a stable emailing system.
Me, for example, would first look for how not to install not-emal related services if this becomes a path of iredmail.
Do you really think that person responsible to administer a "fully fledged email system" what iredmail still claims to be, have a time to worry about service that has security fixes once a month?