ZhangHuangbin wrote:Leonid wrote:(one more thing. as i see in manual, preferably using mtime than ctime, and if we don't need the names of deleted files, than we can use -delete parameter, coz it's run faster than exec rm, i.e. find /var/vmail/vmail1 -type f -mtime +7 -delete)
It's up to you.
Ctime means "Created" time, mtime means "Last Modified" time, atime means "Last Access" time.
not quite right. as in manual:
- ctime = "File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago." It means time of changes in file or attributes of file;
- mtime = "File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago." It means last mofified time;
both of these parameters are largely the same, but there are differences. For example, the command to rename or move a file (mv), and chmod, and chown - change the value of ctime, but do not change mtime... and so on... So, for my purposes preferably use mtime. 
i think that you expect a crtime - creation time, but this parameter was born starting with ext4 file system and not all have this (unlike mtime).
ZhangHuangbin wrote:P.S. Would you mind sharing with us your idea/solution of archiving old mails? Just using 'find' and then moving them to archive folder?
I will share with you working way to backup email when thoroughly test it.
ty for you products and we are waiting iRedOS for ubuntu