Topic: How To: Ejabberd integration with iredmail.schema.
ejabberd integration with iredmail.schema
first to thank to Zhang Huangbin ( for this great project
what I have used to integrate ejabberd is to add to enableService alone jabber they have to look at it here
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: mailUser
objectClass: top
cn: www
sn: www
uid: www
givenName: www
accountStatus: activate
storageBaseDirectory: /var/vmail/vmail01
mailMessageStore: /
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/vmail01/
.29 /
mailQuota: 104857600
userPassword: {SSHA}zkKw5lBjn+8/1xKRTM+a8PUXtfmD3j2A
enabledService: mail
enabledService: smtp
enabledService: pop3
enabledService: pop3secured
enabledService: imap
enabledService: imapsecured
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: forward
enabledService: senderbcc
enabledService: recipientbcc
enabledService: managesieve
enabledService: managesievesecured
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
enabledService: shadowaddress
enabledService: jabber
install the ejabberd with aptitude install ejabberd (In my case use Debian)
here I put the main thing that I have modified in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
%% Admin user
{acl, admin, {user, " www ", " "}}.
%% Hostname
{hosts, [" "]}.
To notice to comment the method of auntenficacion internal since will use the ldap method
%% {auth_method, internal}.
Using the ldap method
%% Authentication using LDAP
{auth_method, ldap}.
%% List of LDAP servers:
{ldap_servers, [" localhost "]}.
%% Encryption of connection to LDAP servers (LDAPS):
%% {ldap_encrypt, tls}.
%% Port connect to LDAP server:
{ldap_port, 389}.
%% LDAP manager:
{ldap_rootdn, " cn=Manager,dc=ssp,dc=rimed,dc=cu "}.
%% Password to LDAP manager:
{ldap_password, " MyPassword "}.
%% Search bases of LDAP directory:
{ldap_base, " dc=ssp,dc=rimed,dc=cu "}.
%% LDAP attribute that holds user GOES:
{ldap_uids, [{" mail ", " "}]}.
%% LDAP filter:
{ldap_filter," (enabledService=jabber)"}.
now what is is to restart the ejabberd and to allow connections to the ports of the ejabberd 5222 5223 and 5269 for the communication with other servants
we publish /etc/default/iptables and we add ejabberd and the ports
#http/https, smtp/smtps, pop3/pop3s, imap/imaps, ssh, ejabberd
-TO INPUT -p tcp -m multiport--dport 80,443,25,465,110,995,143,993,587,465,22,5222,5223,5269 -j ACCEPT
greetings from Cuba
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