1 (edited by algiss 2014-08-13 22:59:43)

Topic: Rainloop password change

Function required to change the account password in rainloop webmail client which runs on top of iredmail

Willing to pay for this favor: algiss at bindex dot co dot uk


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Rainloop password change

It's better to contact developers of Rainloop webmail.


Re: Rainloop password change

Old topic I know but was also having this issue.

Enable the LDAP-Change-Password plugin in the Rainloop admin page.
In my case I only have one domain to manage so settings are:

LDAP Hostname: (as both openldap and rainloop are on the same box)
LDAP Port: 389 (traffic doesn't leave the box so no need for secure ldap port)
User DN format:
Password Field: userPassword
Encryption Type: SSHA (Check what you are using in your openldap)
Allowed Emails: *@yourdomain.co.uk


Re: Rainloop password change

Hi blackisle,

*) Please ALWAYS create a new topic for your own question.
*) And, what issue are you trying to solve? You didn't ask. Please create a new topic for this.