ZhangHuangbin wrote:Any related log in Postfix log file (/var/log/mail.log)?
I am sending down the last logs mail.log file:
Dec 26 12:26:18 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtpd [19253]: connect from localhost ip6-[]
Dec 26 12:26:18 cenarioesolucao postfix / trivial-rewrite [19255]: warning: do not list domain cenarioesolucao.com.br in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
Dec 26 12:26:18 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtpd [19253]: C40BE41216: client = localhost ip6-[], sasl_method = LOGIN, sasl_username=glaucio@cenarioesolucao.com.br
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao postfix / cleanup [19258]: C40BE41216: message-id = <d9e8a08a57647deda28e11edf98a673b@cenarioesolucao.com.br>
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: C40BE41216: from = <glaucio@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, size = 600, nrcpt = 1 (queue active)
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao roundcube: User glaucio@cenarioesolucao.com.br []; Message for glaucio@cenarioesolucao.com.br; 250: 2.0.0 Ok: queued the C40BE41216
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19265]: connect to []: 10024: Connection refused
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19265]: C40BE41216: to = <glaucio@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, relay = none, delay = 1.2, delays = 1.2 / 0.02 / 0/0, dsn = 4.4 .1, status = deferred (connect to []: 10024: Connection refused)
Dec 26 12:26:19 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtpd [19253]: disconnect from ip6-localhost []
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: B902641270: from = <smmsp@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, size = 713, nrcpt = 1 (queue active)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 1953E412A0: from = <smmsp@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, size = 713, nrcpt = 1 (queue active)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 87E61412A3: from = <smmsp@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, size = 713, nrcpt = 1 (queue active)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19289]: connect to []: 10024: Connection refused
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19289]: B902641270: to = <root@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, relay = none, delay = 493, delays = 493 / 0.03 / 0/0, dsn = 4.4 .1, status = deferred (connect to []: 10024: Connection refused)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19291]: connect to []: 10024: Connection refused
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19291]: 1953E412A0: to = <root@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, relay = none, delay = 17293, delays = 17293 / 0.06 / 0/0, dsn = 4.4 .1, status = deferred (connect to []: 10024: Connection refused)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 1953E412A0: from = <smmsp@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, status = expired, returned to sender
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19289]: connect to []: 10024: Connection refused
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / smtp [19289]: 87E61412A3: to = <root@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, relay = none, delay = 8894, delays = 8894 / 0.07 / 0.03 / 0, dsn = 4.4 .1, status = deferred (connect to []: 10024: Connection refused)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / cleanup [19297]: 2563541251: message-id = <20141226122815.2563541251@cenarioesolucao.com.br>
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 2563541251: from = <>, size = 2620, nrcpt = 1 (queue active)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / bounce [19292]: 1953E412A0: sender non-delivery notification: 2563541251
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / trivial-rewrite [19300]: warning: do not list domain cenarioesolucao.com.br in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 1953E412A0: removed
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / pipe [19302]: 2563541251: to = <smmsp@cenarioesolucao.com.br>, relay = dovecot, delay = 0:13, delays = 0.08 / 0.02 / 0 / 0.04, dsn = 5.1 .1, status = bounced (user unknown)
Dec 26 12:28:15 cenarioesolucao postfix / qmgr [3599]: 2563541251: removed
Dec 26 12:31:35 cenarioesolucao postfix / scache [19296]: statistics: Dec 26 12:28:15 start interval
Dec 26 12:31:35 cenarioesolucao postfix / scache [19296]: statistics: domain lookup hits = 0 = 1 miss success = 0%
Dec 26 12:31:35 cenarioesolucao postfix / scache [19296]: statistics: address lookup hits = 0 = 1 miss success = 0%
As we can see the end of this log file, the service postmix / SMTP has refused his connection to the ip
My iptables this as follows:
* filter
: INPUT DROP [8: 373]
: OUTPUT ACCEPT [1599: 228 679]
: fail2ban-ssh - [0: 0]
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j fail2ban-ssh
-A INPUT -i it -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 587 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 995 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 143 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 993 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
-The Fail2ban-ssh -s -j DROP
-The Fail2ban-ssh -j RETURN
# Completed on Fri Dec 26 12:49:37 2014
Please can tell me how to fix this problem?
Thank U.