Topic: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version: v0.3
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): LDAP
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:

Dear all,
  Some strange things happen when my users reply and emailthat receive from others. He reply email with English character but when the recipient user receive  it, the content of email change to Chinese.
  Please help me to resolve this issues if have it in the past.

Best regards,


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

No idea at all, sorry. sad
Did you check the mail headers of received email?


Re: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

Dear Zhang,

Thanks for your care. We just send email in local network. This strange thing is happens with reply emails and just happens sometimes not always. Below is the email with content is converted to Chinese.

        [UserID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,਍ऀ嬀䄀匀䌀氀椀攀渀琀䤀䐀崀嬀椀渀琀崀一伀吀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [LoginName] [varchar](50) NULL,਍ऀ嬀唀猀攀爀吀椀琀氀攀䤀䐀崀嬀椀渀琀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [FirstName] [varchar](30) NULL,਍ऀ嬀䴀椀搀搀氀攀一愀洀攀崀嬀瘀愀爀挀栀愀爀崀⠀㔀⤀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [LastName] [varchar](30) NULL,਍ऀ嬀䐀椀猀瀀氀愀礀一愀洀攀崀嬀瘀愀爀挀栀愀爀崀⠀㄀⤀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [PhoneNumber] [char](10) NULL,਍ऀ嬀䔀洀愀椀氀崀嬀瘀愀爀挀栀愀爀崀⠀㔀⤀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [Password] [varchar](100) NULL,਍ऀ嬀倀愀猀猀眀漀爀搀吀礀瀀攀䤀䐀崀嬀椀渀琀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [PasswordDTS] [datetime] NULL,਍ऀ嬀儀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀䤀䐀崀嬀椀渀琀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [QuestionAnswer] [varchar](2000) NULL,਍ऀ嬀䔀渀琀椀琀礀䤀䐀崀嬀瘀愀爀挀栀愀爀崀⠀㔀⤀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [EntityTypeID] [int] NULL,਍ऀ嬀䘀椀爀猀琀䰀漀最椀渀䐀吀匀崀嬀搀愀琀攀琀椀洀攀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [LastLoginDTS] [datetime] NULL,਍ऀ嬀伀氀搀倀愀猀猀眀漀爀搀猀崀嬀瘀愀爀挀栀愀爀崀⠀㄀⤀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [LoginAttempts] [int] NULL,਍ऀ嬀䤀猀䰀漀挀欀攀搀伀甀琀崀嬀戀椀琀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ
        [LockedOutDTS] [datetime] NULL,਍ऀ嬀䤀猀䄀匀唀猀攀爀崀嬀戀椀琀崀一唀䰀䰀Ⰰഀ


Re: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

This Chinese content is improperly converted, cannot read at all.

Here's the point: mail server just delivers emails, and mail clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, webmail, etc) read/parse/display email content. So, does this issue happen to all emails, or just this recipient? Does this recipient has similar issue with emails sent by other people?


Re: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

Dear Zhang,
  Some of our user has problem with some reply emails, this issue doesn't happen to all email, just few emails and just some people have problem.


Re: Need help with Strange things with some emails!

No idea at all.

The content in converted message (English part) looks like the message had been processed by some external application. I suggest you contact their mail server admin and work together to solve it.