Topic: New to iRedMail and question on install with existing MySQL
I am considering iRedMail on my AWS EC2, but I already have MySQL that is used for other things and I do not want start to from from clean OS/with no MySQL. The mail volume is expected to be very smal
Is there any particular reason iRedMail does not just add a DB for itself into the existing MySQL? It looks the only reason iRedMail needs MySQL is to store mail user info and I have the choice to store that in OpenLDAP and not MySQL. Is this my option?
I tried to install iRedMail on a blank EC2 instance which, according to /etc/os-release, is "rhel fedora" as a test to see whether it can leave MySQL untouched and use OpenLDAP. The install tells me this is an unsupported release. I had thought my OS is or very close to Redhat/CentOS. Anyone had experience installing on AWS EC2?
Thanks for your help.
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.