Where am I getting the information for this. I am confused as it doesn't really seem to be matching up to the original settings file.
# Settings used for Policyd (1.8.x) integration. Provides global
# white-/blacklist, sender/recipient throttling, etc.
# Enable policyd integration: True, False.
policyd_enabled = True
# SQL Database used to store policyd data, eg. whitelist, blacklist.
# You can find related information in policyd config files:
# - On RHEL/CentOS: /etc/policyd.conf
# - On Debian/Ubuntu: /etc/postfix-policyd.conf
# - On FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/policyd.conf
# Related parameters:
# host -> MYSQLHOST
# port -> 3306 (Default)
# user -> MYSQLUSER
# passwd -> MYSQLPASS
policyd_db_host = ''
policyd_db_port = 3306
policyd_db_name = 'policyd'
policyd_db_user = 'policyd'
policyd_db_password = 'password'