1 (edited by konrad.gajda 2015-06-16 21:29:23)

Topic: Good storage for mail server

I am working with iRedMail  and iRedAdmin-Pro for around 5-6 years. I installed the mail server on Centos 6.5 and I am keeping it up to date. The system is installed on the virtual machine therefore the mail storage is on the Synology station connected as iSCSI. This works quite well for more than 100 end users. Dailly traffic is around 1000 email sent and 500 received. Most of the clients is using MS Outlook as mail client. Some of the end clients have more than 10.000 emails in their mailboxes.

My question is what is good and efficient in terms of performance way of storing the emails for large group of users. The solution with iSCSI seems to be ok but when I am searching for example for something it cant take long time.

How to improve the rosponsivnes.

What do you think about alternative solution. Installing 1Tb SSDs in Mirrored RAID on the local machine. Will it sagnificantly improve the performance?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Good storage for mail server

konrad.gajda wrote:

How to improve the rosponsivnes.

Three ways to improve responsiveness:

1) Upgrade to a faster CPU with more cores
2) Increase bandwidth to the storage by adding more nics in a bond and/or upgrade to 10Gb ethernet or Infiniband
3) Add more disks to the storage and create a RAID10


Re: Good storage for mail server

mir's solutions don't help too much in searching performance. You need Apache SOLR or similar solution to work with Dovecot IMAP server. Search 'solr' in our document page will give you a tutorial contributed by our user:

Note: there're other alternatives available, check this page:


Re: Good storage for mail server

rein wrote:

for : iRedAdmin-Pro (v2.1.2 for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL backends) , there is no release notes ?

http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic9282 … eased.html

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