Topic: dovecot not starting in FreeBSD10 jail

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version: 0.92
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MYSQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):Nginx
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: FreeBSD 10.1 with jail
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:
root@mail:~ # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot start
Starting dovecot.
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: service(managesieve-login): listen(::1, 4190) failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: bind(, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(110, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(143, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(995, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(993, 110) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(110, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(143, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(995, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(993, 995) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: service(lmtp): listen(::1, 24) failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: bind(, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(110, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(143, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(995, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(993, 143) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(110, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(143, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(995, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: bind(, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Error: service(imap-login): listen(993, 993) failed: Can't assign requested address
Fatal: Failed to start listeners
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot: WARNING: failed to start dovecot

I followed the install guide 'FreeBSD with jail' except ezjail. prefer do jail by hands.
Install was successful without errors. and able to login iredadmin but web mail
so i see dovecot is not starting.
took several idea about 'listen' portion of dovecot.conf without no difference
if i exclude ip6 by 'listen = * , not still throwing errors
i am stuck here. pls. help
this is done by Fresh Install inside jail of FreeBSD10


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: dovecot not starting in FreeBSD10 jail

You can find two '::1' in dovecot.conf, please remove them (just remove string '::1'), then restart Dovecot service.

So your Jailed FreeBSD doesn't have IPv6 address? even a loopback '::1'.


Re: dovecot not starting in FreeBSD10 jail

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

You can find two '::1' in dovecot.conf, please remove them (just remove string '::1'), then restart Dovecot service.

So your Jailed FreeBSD doesn't have IPv6 address? even a loopback '::1'.

Dear Zhang
I applied your advice removing not to listen ip6 so change made

#listen = * [::]
listen = *

in dovecot.conf

and restart
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot restart
dovecot not running? (check /var/run/dovecot/master.pid).
Starting dovecot.
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: service(managesieve-login): listen(::1, 4190) failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Error: service(lmtp): listen(::1, 24) failed: Address family not supported by protocol family
Fatal: Failed to start listeners
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot: WARNING: failed to start dovecot

still throwing sieve and lmtp related error

so i did change dovecot.conf again

# Enabled mail protocols.
#protocols = pop3 imap sieve lmtp
protocols = pop3 imap

and it starts ok
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot restart
dovecot not running? (check /var/run/dovecot/master.pid).
Starting dovecot.
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dovecot restart
Stopping dovecot.
Waiting for PIDS: 72912.
Starting dovecot.
# ps -aux | grep dovecot
root      72945   0.0  0.0  15400   3180  -  Ss    9:26AM     0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/dovecot -c /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
dovecot   72946   0.0  0.0  15336   2800  -  S     9:26AM     0:00.00 dovecot/anvil
root      72947   0.0  0.0  15340   2864  -  S     9:26AM     0:00.00 dovecot/log
root      72949   0.0  0.0  21592   3964  -  S     9:26AM     0:00.01 dovecot/config
root      72959   0.0  0.0  18788   2212  0  S+    9:27AM     0:00.00 grep dovecot

i am testing this on host instead of jail

what if i decide not use sieve and lmtp? is that a big deal
really no idea about sieve and lmtp


Re: dovecot not starting in FreeBSD10 jail

You didn't read my reply carefully:

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

You can find two '::1' in dovecot.conf, please remove them (just remove string '::1'), then restart Dovecot service.

I say "::1", not '::'.


Re: dovecot not starting in FreeBSD10 jail

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

You didn't read my reply carefully:

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

You can find two '::1' in dovecot.conf, please remove them (just remove string '::1'), then restart Dovecot service.

I say "::1", not '::'.

Now dovecot working!
Really appreciate ur support

Can u close this thread and mark solved pls.