Topic: Question: sendas an alias?

This is not a problem but more of a feature inquiry:

Is it possible in iredmail to be able to send mail as an alias?

For example, I have


accounting@alias.domain.com (goto=john.doe@domain.com,sally.smith@domain.com)

The accounting@alias.domain.com address does NOT exist as a separate account, ONLY as an alias.  But if John or Sally RECEIVE an e-mail sent to accounting@alias.domain.com, I want them to be able to REPLY as accounting@alias.domain.com.  Is there a way to do this?

I'm fine using the command line or SQL.


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Question: sendas an alias?

They'll have to use a Mail Client that allows them to change their Sender (FROM) Address, Roundcube can be made to do this in its config. You will have to disable reject_login_mismatch in Postfix and enable it in iRedApd, along with telling iRedApd that you should be able to send as an Alias.


Re: Question: sendas an alias?

Yes. steps:

*) Remove 'reject_sender_login_mismatch' in Postfix parameter 'smtpd_sender_restrictions' (/etc/postfix/main.cf), reload Postfix service.
*) Enable iRedAPD plugin 'reject_sender_login_mismatch' in /opt/iredapd/settings.py ('plugins ='), and append below setting in same file:


Restart iredapd service.

4 (edited by zippydan 2015-06-30 10:11:16)

Re: Question: sendas an alias?

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

Yes. steps:

*) Remove 'reject_sender_login_mismatch' in Postfix parameter 'smtpd_sender_restrictions' (/etc/postfix/main.cf), reload Postfix service.
*) Enable iRedAPD plugin 'reject_sender_login_mismatch' in /opt/iredapd/settings.py ('plugins ='), and append below setting in same file:


Restart iredapd service.

However, would this not allow anyone to send email as anyone?

Basically, I want someone to be able to send e-mail as an alias, ONLY if that alias is an alias of their account.

I saw this helpful howto: http://www.iredmail.org/docs/allow.cert … .user.html

However, again it seems to me that this is simply granting carte blanche to specified users.  Any users in that list can send as ANY e-mail?

Current user = john.doe@domain.com
Allow sendas accounting@alias.domain.com only if goto of accounting@alias.domain.com = john.doe@domain.com


Re: Question: sendas an alias?

zippydan wrote:

However, would this not allow anyone to send email as anyone?

It just allows alias member to send email as alias, exactly matches your requirement:

- Current user = john.doe@domain.com
- Allow to send as accounting@alias.domain.com only if goto of accounting@alias.domain.com = john.doe@domain.com

Note, there's slightly difference: all alias members of accounting@alias.domain.com are allowed to send as accounting@...


Re: Question: sendas an alias?

ZhangHuangbin wrote:
zippydan wrote:

However, would this not allow anyone to send email as anyone?

It just allows alias member to send email as alias, exactly matches your requirement:

- Current user = john.doe@domain.com
- Allow to send as accounting@alias.domain.com only if goto of accounting@alias.domain.com = john.doe@domain.com

Note, there's slightly difference: all alias members of accounting@alias.domain.com are allowed to send as accounting@...

Perfect.  Thank you very much