Topic: updating iredmail from 0.8.3

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version:
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro?
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:
======== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version:
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro?
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:
======== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (from 0.8.3):
- Centos 6.3:
- Store mail accounts in LDAP
- Web server is Apache or Nginx:
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? no

upgrading iredmail as write n instructions
so, when login in iredadmin i see: internal error and

[root@mail2 iRedAdmin-0.4]# tail  /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]   File "/var/www/iredadmin/libs/iredbase.py", line 166, in render_template
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]     return jinja_env.get_template(template_name).render(context)
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 989, in render
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]     return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 754, in handle_exception
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]     reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]   File "/var/www/iredadmin/libs/../templates/default/macros/general.html", line 795, in template
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]     {% macro display_per_user_wblist(values=[], htmlInputName, label) -%}
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client] TemplateSyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]

and i have no base iredap in mysql, but when i update iredap i see in new config:

[root@mail2 ~]# cat /opt/iredapd/settings.py 
iredapd_db_server = ''
iredapd_db_port = '3306'
iredapd_db_name = 'iredapd'
iredapd_db_user = 'iredapd'
iredapd_db_password = 'password' 
[root@mail2 ~]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 24
Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| amavisd            |
| iredadmin          |
| mysql              |
| policyd            |
| roundcubemail      |
| test               |
7 rows in set (0.28 sec)

Someone help me to update) Maybe i didn`t install some pip packages?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: updating iredmail from 0.8.3

tenhi wrote:

[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]   File "/var/www/iredadmin/libs/../templates/default/macros/general.html", line 795, in template
[Tue Dec 15 15:14:54 2015] [error] [client]     {% macro display_per_user_wblist(values=[], htmlInputName, label) -%}

Please open file /var/www/iredadmin/templates/default/macros/general.html, find this line:

{% macro display_per_user_wblist(values=[], htmlInputName, label) -%}

Remove '=[]'. Then it's ok.


Re: updating iredmail from 0.8.3

ok) Thanks) But what about db?
i haven`t it in Mysql and now i comment it

#iredapd_db_server = ''
#iredapd_db_port = '3306'
#iredapd_db_name = 'iredapd'
#iredapd_db_user = 'iredapd'
#iredapd_db_password = 'password'


Re: updating iredmail from 0.8.3

You're running iRedMail-0.8.3? You must follow our upgrade tutorial to upgrade it to the latest iRedMail-0.9.3: