Topic: Rate Limit

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):  0.9.2
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debian Jessie
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): Mysql
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Apache
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:

I'm using Debian 8 with iredmail 0.9.2 and Debian no longer has the policyd / cluerbringer.

How can I rate limit to sender?



Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Rate Limit

Sorry about the confusion, i need some time to write the document.

As a temporary solution, please read the comment lines in iRedAPD plugin file, i hope it's clear for you.

*) Throttle: https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredapd/src/d … hrottle.py

# Usage
# -------------
# *) Enable iRedAPD in Postfix parameters: `smtpd_recipient_restrictions` and
#    `smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions`. For example:
#    # Check max_msgs
#    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
#           ...
#           check_policy_service inet:[]:7777
#           permit_mynetworks
#           ...
#    # Check msg_size and max_quota
#    smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions =
#           check_policy_service inet:[]:7777
#           ...
# *) Enable this plugin in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/settings.py.
# *) Restart both iRedAPD and Postfix services.

# Technical details
# -------------
# Currently you may throttle based on:
#   - amount of mails sent over a given period of time
#   - accumulated mail size sent over a given period of time
#   - size of singe message
# Eg: You can enforce that user@domain.com does not send more than 1000 mails
# or 1GB of mail (whichever limit is hit first) in 5 minute.
# Possible throttling address:
#   *) Full email address: user@domain.com
#   *) Domain name (with a prefixed '@'): @domain.com
#   *) Sub-domain name (with a prefixed '@.'): @.domain.com
#   *) IP address:
#   *) IP network:  192.168.1.*
#   *) Catch-all for email address: '@.' (note, the dot is required)
#   *) Catch-all for IP address: '@ip'
# Priorities of different thorttle address (larger digital number has higher priority):
#   *) email: 100           # e.g. 'user@domain.com'. Highest priority
#   *) wildcard_addr: 90    # e.g. `user@*`. used in plugin `amavisd_wblist`
#                           # as wildcard sender. e.g. 'user@*`
#   *) ip: 80               # e.g.
#   *) wildcard_ip: 70      # e.g. 173.254.22.*
#   *) cidr: 70             # e.g.
#   *) domain: 60           # e.g. @domain.com
#   *) subdomain: 50        # e.g. @.domain.com
#   *) top_level_domain: 40 # e.g. @com, @org
#   *) catchall: 0          # '@.'. Lowest priority

# ------------
# Valid throttle settings:
#   * msg_size: max size of single message
#   * max_msgs: max number of sent messages
#   * max_quota: max number of accumulated message size
# Valid values for throttle settings:
#  * XX (an integer number): explicit limit. e.g. 100. for example, set
#       `max_msgs=100` means user can send/receive up to 100 messages.
#  * 0: (explicit) unlimited.
#  * -1: inherit setting which has lower priority. for example, set
#       `msg_size=-1` for user `user@domain.com` will force iRedADP to check
#       `msg_size` setting in per-domain (`@domain.com`) and/or global (`@.`)
#       throttle settings.
# ------------
# Sample sender throttle settings:
# *) Allow user `user@domain.com` to send in 6 minutes (period=360):
#   * max size of single message is 10240000 bytes (msg_size)
#   * max 100 messages (max_msgs)
#   * max 4096000000 bytes (max_quota)
#  INSERT INTO throttle (account, kind, priority, period, msg_size, max_msgs, max_quota)
#                VALUES ('user@domain.com',
#                        'outbound',
#                        10,
#                        360,
#                        10240000,
#                        100,
#                        4096000000);
# Sample recipient throttle settings:
# *) Allow user 'user@domain.com' to receive in 6 minutes (period=360):
#   * max size of single message is 10240000 bytes (msg_size)
#   * max 100 messages (max_msgs)
#   * max 4096000000 bytes (max_quota)
#  INSERT INTO throttle (account, kind, priority, period, msg_size, max_msgs, max_quota)
#                VALUES ('user@domain.com',
#                        'inbound',
#                        10,
#                        360,
#                        10240000,
#                        100,
#                        4096000000);