Yes this option is set, but no notification to user.
Don't understand where I wrong in config
Jul 3 13:09:16 mail postfix/cleanup[12533]: 7958322270: message-id=<>
Jul 3 13:09:16 mail postfix/qmgr[12129]: 7958322270: from=<>, size=992105, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jul 3 13:09:17 mail amavis[12493]: (12493-01) Blocked BANNED (application/x-msdownload,.exe,.exe-ms,Profwiz.exe) {DiscardedInternal}, LOCAL []:50356 [] <> -> <>, Queue-ID: 7958322270, Message-ID: <>, mail_id: IL0r-1jocWx1, Hits: -, size: 992105, 401 ms
Jul 3 13:09:17 mail postfix/smtp[12538]: 7958322270: to=<>, relay=[]:10024, delay=0.79, delays=0.35/0.02/0.03/0.39, dsn=2.7.0, status=sent (250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=12493-01 - BANNED: application/x-msdownload,.exe,.exe-ms,Profwiz.exe)
Jul 3 13:09:17 mail postfix/qmgr[12129]: 7958322270: removed
use strict;
# Place your configuration directives here. They will override those in
# earlier files.
# See /usr/share/doc/amavisd-new/ for documentation and examples of
# the directives you can use in this file
#------------ Do not modify anything below this line -------------
#$allowed_added_header_fields{lc('Received')} = 0;
chomp($mydomain = "");
@local_domains_maps = 1;
@mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10 );
# listen on multiple TCP ports. 9998 is used for releasing quarantined mails.
$inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026, 9998];
# Enable virus check.
@bypass_virus_checks_maps = (
# Enable spam check.
@bypass_spam_checks_maps = (
$mailfrom_notify_admin = "root\@$mydomain";
$mailfrom_notify_recip = "root\@$mydomain";
$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin = "root\@$mydomain";
# Mail notify.
$mailfrom_notify_admin = "root\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender
$mailfrom_notify_recip = "root\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender
$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin = "root\@$mydomain"; # notifications sender
$mailfrom_to_quarantine = ''; # null return path; uses original sender if undef
# Disable defang banned mail.
$defang_banned = 0; # MIME-wrap passed mail containing banned name
$policy_bank{'MYNETS'} = { # mail originating from @mynetworks
originating => 1, # is true in MYNETS by default, but let's make it explicit
os_fingerprint_method => undef, # don't query p0f for internal clients
allow_disclaimers => 1, # enables disclaimer insertion if available
$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = { # mail supposedly originating from our users
originating => 1, # declare that mail was submitted by our smtp client
allow_disclaimers => 1, # enables disclaimer insertion if available
# notify administrator of locally originating malware
virus_admin_maps => ["root\@$mydomain"],
spam_admin_maps => [],
bad_header_admin_maps => [],
banned_admin_maps => ["root\@$mydomain"],
warnbadhsender => 0,
warnbannedsender => 1,
# forward to a smtpd service providing DKIM signing service
forward_method => 'smtp:[amavis]:10027',
# force MTA conversion to 7-bit (e.g. before DKIM signing)
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords => ['8BITMIME'],
#bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], # allow sending any file names and types
terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0, # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS option
# SpamAssassin debugging. Default if off(0).
# Note: '$log_level' variable above is required for SA debug.
$log_level = 0; # verbosity 0..5, -d
$sa_debug = 0;
# Set hostname.
$myhostname = "";
# Set listen IP/PORT.
$notify_method = 'smtp:[]:10025';
$forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025';
@av_scanners = (
#### [url][/url]
\&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"],
qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
@av_scanners_backup = (
### [url][/url] - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV
['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
"--stdout --disable-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}", [0], [1],
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
# Apply to mails which coming from internal networks or authenticated users.
# mail supposedly originating from our users
#$policy_bank{'MYUSERS'} = {
# # declare that mail was submitted by our smtp client
# originating => 1,
# # enables disclaimer insertion if available
# allow_disclaimers => 1,
# # notify administrator of locally originating malware
# virus_admin_maps => ["root\@$mydomain"],
# spam_admin_maps => [],
# bad_header_admin_maps => [],
# banned_admin_maps => ["root\@$mydomain"],
# # notify sender of malware
# warnbadhsender => 0,
# warnbannedsender => 0,
# # forward to a smtpd service providing DKIM signing service
# #forward_method => 'smtp:[]:10027',
# # force MTA conversion to 7-bit (e.g. before DKIM signing)
# smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords => ['8BITMIME'],
# # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS option
# terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0,
# # don't perform spam/virus/header check.
# #bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1],
# bypass_virus_checks_maps => [1],
# #bypass_header_checks_maps => [1],
# # allow sending any file names and types
# bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1],
# # Quarantine clean messages
# #clean_quarantine_method => 'sql:',
# #final_destiny_by_ccat => {CC_CLEAN, D_DISCARD},
# Port used to release quarantined mails.
$interface_policy{'10026'} = 'ORIGINATING';
$interface_policy{'9998'} = 'AM.PDP-INET';
$policy_bank{'AM.PDP-INET'} = {
protocol => 'AM.PDP', # select Amavis policy delegation protocol
inet_acl => [qw( [::1] )], # restrict access to these IP addresses
auth_required_release => 1, # 0 - don't require secret_id for amavisd-release
#log_level => 4,
#always_bcc_by_ccat => {CC_CLEAN, ''},
# Set default action.
# Available actions: D_PASS, D_BOUNCE, D_REJECT, D_DISCARD.
$final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD;
$final_banned_destiny = D_DISCARD;
$final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD;
$final_bad_header_destiny = D_DISCARD;
# Quarantine mails.
# Where to store quarantined mail message:
# - 'local:spam-%i-%m', quarantine mail on local file system.
# - 'sql:', quarantine mail in SQL server specified in @storage_sql_dsn.
# - undef, do not quarantine mail.
# Bad header.
#$bad_header_quarantine_method = undef;
$bad_header_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
$bad_header_quarantine_to = 'bad-header-quarantine';
#$spam_quarantine_method = undef;
$spam_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
$spam_quarantine_to = 'spam-quarantine';
# Virus
$virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine';
$virus_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
# Banned
$banned_files_quarantine_method = undef;
#$banned_files_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
#$banned_quarantine_to = 'banned-quarantine';
# Quarantine CLEAN mails.
# Don't forget to enable clean quarantine in policy bank 'MYUSERS'.
#$clean_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
#$clean_quarantine_to = 'clean-quarantine';
$sql_allow_8bit_address = 1;
$timestamp_fmt_mysql = 1;
# a string to prepend to Subject (for local recipients only) if mail could
# not be decoded or checked entirely, e.g. due to password-protected archives
#$undecipherable_subject_tag = '***UNCHECKED*** '; # undef disables it
$undecipherable_subject_tag = undef;
# Hope to fix 'nested MAIL command' issue on high load server.
$smtp_connection_cache_enable = 0;
# The default set of header fields to be signed can be controlled
# by setting %signed_header_fields elements to true (to sign) or
# to false (not to sign). Keys must be in lowercase, e.g.:
# 0 -> off
# 1 -> on
$signed_header_fields{'received'} = 0;
$signed_header_fields{'to'} = 1;
# Make sure it sings all inbound mails, avoid error log like this:
# 'dkim: not signing inbound mail'.
$originating = 1;
# Add dkim_key here.
dkim_key("", "dkim", "/var/lib/dkim/mydomain.pem");
# Note that signing mail for subdomains with a key of a parent
# domain is treated by recipients as a third-party key, which
# may 'hold less merit' in their eyes. If one has a choice,
# it is better to publish a key for each domain (e.g.
# if mail is really coming from it. Sharing a pem file
# for multiple domains may be acceptable, so you don't need
# to generate a different key for each subdomain, but you
# do need to publish it in each subdomain. It is probably
# easier to avoid sending addresses like and
# always use a parent domain ( in 'From:', thus
# avoiding the issue altogether.
#dkim_key("", "dkim", "/var/lib/dkim/mydomain.pem");
#dkim_key("host3.mydomain", "dkim", "/var/lib/dkim/mydomain.pem");
# Add new dkim_key for other domain.
#dkim_key('Your_New_Domain_Name', 'dkim', 'Your_New_Pem_File');
@dkim_signature_options_bysender_maps = ( {
} );
$enable_dkim_verification = 1; # enable DKIM signatures verification
$enable_dkim_signing = 1; # load DKIM signing code, keys defined by dkim_key
# ------------ Disclaimer Setting ---------------
# Uncomment this line to enable singing disclaimer in outgoing mails.
#$defang_maps_by_ccat{+CC_CATCHALL} = [ 'disclaimer' ];
# Program used to signing disclaimer in outgoing mails.
$altermime = '/usr/bin/altermime';
# Disclaimer in plain text formart.
@altermime_args_disclaimer = qw(--disclaimer=/etc/postfix/disclaimer/_OPTION_.txt --disclaimer-html=/etc/postfix/disclaimer/_OPTION_.txt --force-for-bad-html);
@disclaimer_options_bysender_maps = ({
# Per-domain disclaimer setting: /etc/postfix/disclaimer/
#'' => '',
# Sub-domain disclaimer setting: /etc/postfix/disclaimer/
#'' => '',
# Per-user disclaimer setting: /etc/postfix/disclaimer/
#'' => '',
# Catch-all disclaimer setting: /etc/postfix/disclaimer/default.txt
'.' => 'default',
# ------------ End Disclaimer Setting ---------------
# Reporting and quarantining.
@storage_sql_dsn = (
['DBI:mysql:database=amavisd;host=;port=3306', 'amavisd', '4NJLto8wPnGs2t6S8OXRWv7SjdVjAK'],
# Lookup for per-recipient, per-domain and global policy.
@lookup_sql_dsn = @storage_sql_dsn;
# Don't send email with subject "UNCHECKED contents in mail FROM xxx".
delete $admin_maps_by_ccat{&CC_UNCHECKED};
# Do not notify administrator about SPAM/VIRUS from remote servers.
$virus_admin = undef;
$spam_admin = undef;
$banned_admin = undef;
$bad_header_admin = undef;
# Num of pre-forked children.
# WARNING: it must match (equal to or larger than) the number set in
# /etc/postfix/ "maxproc" column for the 'smtp-amavis' service.
$max_servers = 4;
$localhost_name = $myhostname;
# Custom Amavisd log template to always log SpamAssassin testing results,
# useful for troubleshooting. if you want more verbose log, replace it by:
# $log_templ = $log_verbose_templ;
# WARNING: $log_verbose_templ will log mail subject, this may be illegal
# according to the laws in some countries.
# Note: You can find the original log template at the bottom of
# /usr/sbin/amavisd-new.
$log_templ = '
[?%#D|#|Passed #
[? [:ccat|major] |#
,[?%p|| %p][?%a||[?%l|| LOCAL] [:client_addr_port]][?%e|| \[%e\]] [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%s] -> [%D|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|%D]|,]#
[? %q ||, quarantine: %q]#
[? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]#
[? %m ||, Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%m]]#
[? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%r]]#
[? %i ||, mail_id: %i]#
, Hits: [:SCORE]#
, size: %z#
[? [:partition_tag] ||, pt: [:partition_tag]]#
[~[:remote_mta_smtp_response]|["^$"]||[", queued_as: "]]\
[remote_mta_smtp_response|[~%x|["queued as ([0-9A-Za-z]+)$"]|["%1"]|["%0"]]|/]#
#, Subject: [:dquote|[:mime2utf8|[:header_field_octets|Subject]|100|1]]#
#, From: [:uquote|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|[:rfc2822_from]]]#
[? [:dkim|sig_sd] ||, dkim_sd=[:dkim|sig_sd]]#
[? [:dkim|newsig_sd] ||, dkim_new=[:dkim|newsig_sd]]#
, %y ms#
[? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]#
[?%#O|#|Blocked #
[? [:ccat|major|blocking] |#
,[?%p|| %p][?%a||[?%l|| LOCAL] [:client_addr_port]][?%e|| \[%e\]] [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%s] -> [%O|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|%O]|,]#
[? %q ||, quarantine: %q]#
[? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]#
[? %m ||, Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%m]]#
[? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%r]]#
[? %i ||, mail_id: %i]#
, Hits: [:SCORE]#
, size: %z#
[? [:partition_tag] ||, pt: [:partition_tag]]#
#, Subject: [:dquote|[:mime2utf8|[:header_field_octets|Subject]|100|1]]#
#, From: [:uquote|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|[:rfc2822_from]]]#
[? [:dkim|sig_sd] ||, dkim_sd=[:dkim|sig_sd]]#
[? [:dkim|newsig_sd] ||, dkim_new=[:dkim|newsig_sd]]#
, %y ms#
[? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]#
1; # insure a defined return