Topic: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

Why in this Roundcube interface is there no  buttons Spam/NoSpam?

This is very inconvenient, because sometimes it is necessary to correct the incorrect operation of the service "managesive".

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version 0.9.6
- Scientiffic 6.8/64
- Nginx
- No iRedAdmin-Pro


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

Roundcube has a "Mark as spam" plugin, what it does is simply moving email to Junk folder, not pipe email to other programs for spam learning.

Try this tutorial instead:
http://www.iredmail.org/docs/store.spam … n.sql.html


Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

Thanks! I try to install it...

Why this plugin was not installed in iRedMail at once? It is very useful!


Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

We don't integrate third-party plugins right now.


Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

Ok, then maybe you will make your own plug-in? smile  He is very necessary to combat spam.

6 (edited by iredmailtnt 2017-06-11 08:08:53)

Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

Rafael wrote:

He is very necessary to combat spam.

Maybe not. Why not have a look at Depending on your situation https://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/AntispamWithSieve might be a better solution for you.

The thing I like best about it is that it requires no user training. The down side is it only works with imap.


Re: Why no buttons Spam/NoSpam?

On the contrary, this is bad. Artificial intelligence is often mistaken. Better I'll train the anti-spam system manually, and other antispam resources will learn about this.

In addition, I do not like IMAP. I use POP/SMTP only.