Here is the log entries. is aliased from
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: request=smtpd_access_policy
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: protocol_state=RCPT
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: protocol_name=ESMTP
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: client_address=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: recipient_count=0
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: queue_id=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: instance=73bd.59dc298e.60108.0
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: size=3093
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: etrn_domain=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: stress=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_method=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_username=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_sender=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_subject=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_issuer=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_fingerprint=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_pubkey_fingerprint=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_protocol=TLSv1.2
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_keysize=256
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG LDAP connection initialied success.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG LDAP bind success.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: reject_null_sender
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: greylisting
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Client address ( is trusted networks (MYNETWORKS).
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: throttle
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Check sender throttling.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query throttle setting:
SELECT id, account, priority, period, max_msgs, max_quota, msg_size
FROM throttle
WHERE kind='external' AND account IN ('', '@ip', '', '', '@.', '', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query result:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG No sender throttle setting.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Check recipient throttling.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query throttle setting:
SELECT id, account, priority, period, max_msgs, max_quota, msg_size
FROM throttle
WHERE kind='inbound' AND account IN ('', '@ip', '', '', '@.', '', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query result:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG No recipient throttle setting.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [+] Getting LDIF data of account:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG search base dn: o=domains,dc=ansspc,dc=com
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG search scope: SUBTREE
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG search filter: (&(!(domainStatus=disabled))(|(|(objectClass=mailUser)(objectClass=mailList)(objectClass=mailAlias)))
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG search attributes: ['objectClass', 'listAllowedUser', 'accessPolicy']
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG result: [(',ou=Users,,o=domains,dc=ansspc,dc=com', {'objectClass': ['inetOrgPerson', 'mailUser', 'shadowAccount', 'amavisAccount']})]
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: ldap_maillist_access_policy
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO (Recipient is not a mailing list account)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: amavisd_wblist
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Possible policy senders: ['', '', '@.', '', '', 'cotton59@*', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213']
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Possible policy recipients: ['', '', '@.', '', '']
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Apply wblist for inbound message.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query local addresses:
SELECT id, email
FROM users
WHERE email IN ('', '', '@.', '', '')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Local addresses (in `users`): [(2L, '@.')]
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query external addresses:
SELECT id, email
FROM mailaddr
WHERE email IN ('', '', '@.', '', '', 'cotton59@*', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Addresses (in `mailaddr`): [(2L, '@.')]
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query CIDR network:
SELECT id, email
FROM mailaddr
WHERE email LIKE '108.%%'
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query inbound wblist (in `wblist`):
SELECT rid, sid, wb
FROM wblist
WHERE sid IN (2) AND rid IN (2)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG No wblist found.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Session ended.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 INFO [] RCPT, ->, DUNNO [0.0108s]
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Close LDAP connection.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: request=smtpd_access_policy
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: protocol_state=END-OF-MESSAGE
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: protocol_name=ESMTP
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: client_address=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: recipient_count=1
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: queue_id=69A32F1F
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: instance=73bd.59dc298e.60108.0
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: size=3093
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: etrn_domain=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: stress=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_method=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_username=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: sasl_sender=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_subject=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_issuer=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_fingerprint=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: ccert_pubkey_fingerprint=
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_protocol=TLSv1.2
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG smtp session: encryption_keysize=256
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG LDAP connection initialied success.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG LDAP bind success.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Skip plugin: reject_null_sender (protocol_state != END-OF-MESSAGE)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Skip plugin: greylisting (protocol_state != END-OF-MESSAGE)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG --> Apply plugin: throttle
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Check sender throttling.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query throttle setting:
SELECT id, account, priority, period, max_msgs, max_quota, msg_size
FROM throttle
WHERE kind='external' AND account IN ('', '@ip', '', '', '@.', '', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query result:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG No sender throttle setting.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Check recipient throttling.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query throttle setting:
SELECT id, account, priority, period, max_msgs, max_quota, msg_size
FROM throttle
WHERE kind='inbound' AND account IN ('', '@ip', '', '', '@.', '', '', '108.60.195.*', '108.60.*.213')
ORDER BY priority DESC
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG [SQL] Query result:
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG No recipient throttle setting.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG <-- Result: DUNNO
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Skip plugin: ldap_maillist_access_policy (protocol_state != END-OF-MESSAGE)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Skip plugin: amavisd_wblist (protocol_state != END-OF-MESSAGE)
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Session ended.
2017-10-10 01:59:42 INFO [] END-OF-MESSAGE, ->, DUNNO [0.0050s]
2017-10-10 01:59:42 DEBUG Close LDAP connection.