Topic: Update from 0.9.6 to 0.9.7
==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.9.6 / 0.9.7
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Centos 7.2
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): PGSQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.
today i went through the update procedure from here:
I've seen several problems:
1) iredapd upgrade: see following log: got syntax ERROR (using version: iRedAPD-2.1)
# bash
* Detected Linux/BSD distribution: RHEL
* Found iRedAPD directory: /opt/iredapd, symbol link of /opt/iRedAPD-2.0
* Found iRedAPD config file: /opt/iredapd/
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
LINE 11: \i /tmp/wblist_rdns.sql;
* Checking dependent Python modules:
+ [required] python-sqlalchemy
+ [required] dnspython
* Create directory /opt/iRedAPD-2.1.
* Copying new version to /opt/iRedAPD-2.1
* Copy old config file: (/opt/iredapd/ -> /opt/iRedAPD-2.1/
* Copy custom plugins: /opt/iRedAPD-2.0/plugins/custom_*.py.
* Set correct owner and permission for /opt/iRedAPD-2.1: root:root, 0500.
* Set permission for iRedAPD config file: /opt/iRedAPD-2.1/ -> 0400.
* Re-create symbol link: /opt/iredapd -> /opt/iRedAPD-2.1
* Create symbol link: /opt/iredapd/rc_scripts/iredapd.service -> /etc/systemd/system/
* Remove deprecated plugins.
* Rename old plugins.
* Remove all *.pyc files.
* Restarting iRedAPD service.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart iredapd.service
* Upgrade completed.
What does the error mean, do i have to do something about it? iredapd service is up and running.
2) fail2ban:
0.9.7 changed the configuratiuon (more modular) and added/enabled nginx-auth jail. why isn't this documented in the update documentation at all?
3) freshclam
#UpdateLogFile ... # <- Comment out this parameter
LogSyslog true # <- Make sure you have this line. If not present, please add it manually.
0.9.6 version already had commented out #UpdateLogFile
and line
LogSyslog yes is already there
I assume true and yes are both o.k. here?
a manual freshclam run states that all Files are O.K.
4) The rest of the update procedure seems to have gone o.k.
Would be nice to get some feedback here,
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.