userpassword: {MD5}4QrcOUm6Wau+VuBX8g+IPg==
I modified iredadmin/libs/** and .So I can configure iredadmin to use b64 MD5 as an option which worked well. I created a test user: with password: 123456. I see "{MD5}4QrcOUm6Wau+VuBX8g+IPg==" when I look via phpldapadmin. So far so good. I can login to roundcube with this iredadmin created accound. BUT, there is also a test account in my imported users that has the same userPassword field: {MD5}4QrcOUm6Wau+VuBX8g+IPg== which fails to login via roundcube.
It seems the issue is not MD5 issue. Here is the ldiff I used to import my old user accounts:
changetype: add
objectCLass: inetOrgPerson
objectCLass: mailUser
objectCLass: shadowAccount
userPassword: {MD5}4QrcOUm6Wau+VuBX8g+IPg==
mailQuota: 1024
cn: test2
sn: test2
uid: test2
storageBaseDirectory: /var/vmail
mailMessageStore: vmail1/
homeDirectory: /var/vmail/vmail1/
accountStatus: active
mtaTransport: dovecot
enabledService: mail
enabledService: smtp
enabledService: pop3
enabledService: imap
enabledService: deliver
enabledService: forward
enabledService: senderbcc
enabledService: recipientbcc
enabledService: managesieve
enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook
memberOfGroup:: DQ==
memberOfGroup:: Cg==
Please note that I did not create the user home directory under /var/vmail. I thought it is created when the first login success. Or am I wrong? Does iRedAdmin also create the user dir?
EDIT: I also copied old mailbox to /var/vmail/vmail1/ it did not worked either. So I am clueless why it doesn't work on imported accounts