1 (edited by craig 2018-10-26 14:40:30)

Topic: Not being notified of new forum posts

Hi Zhang,

PunBB does not seem to be sending out notifications of posts to subscribed topics. I've checked my maillog and there are no attempts at connections to send emails from forum.iredmail.org in recent days, despite the fact that I am subscribed to an active topic.



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Re: Not being notified of new forum posts

According to maillog, last email notification sent to you was on Oct 19. But it also sent to others today.
No idea right now, maillog doesn't have relevant error/warning.


Re: Not being notified of new forum posts

OK, well you last replied to the other active thread yesterday (25 October), and I didn't receive anything. But now I have received notifications of both this post and your post in the other active thread, so maybe whatever the problem was fixed itself.

