1 (edited by Norbert 2019-04-11 02:17:16)

Topic: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.9.9
- Deployed with iRedMail Easy or the downloadable installer?  Installe
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debain 9
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):   PGSQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro?
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.

For whatever reason iredadmin does not show the webpages correctly , nginx log :
root@mail /var/log/nginx # tail error.log
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10734 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10733 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10734 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/fancybox.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/fancybox.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10733 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/js/jquery-1.12.4.min.js." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/js/jquery-1.12.4.min.js HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10739 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/js/jquery.tooltip.js." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/js/jquery.tooltip.js HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10740 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/js/jquery.idtabs.js." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/js/jquery.idtabs.js HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10734 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/js/jquery.fancybox.js." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/js/jquery.fancybox.js HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10733 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/images/ico_add_12.png." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/images/ico_add_12.png HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:54:56 [error] 20001#20001: *10741 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/js/jquery.tablesorter.js." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/js/jquery.tablesorter.js HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxx.de/iredadmin/dashboard/checknew"
2019/03/24 17:55:14 [error] 20001#20001: *10741 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxx.de"

opt/www/ looks fine for my eyes:

root@mail /opt/www # ll
total 8984
drwxr-xr-x  8 root      root         4096 Mar 24 17:54 .
drwxr-xr-x  6 root      root         4096 Jan 17 14:43 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root         4096 Sep 15  2017 awstats-statistics
dr-xr-xr-x 10 iredadmin iredadmin    4096 Sep 15  2017 iRedAdmin-0.8
dr-xr-xr-x 10 iredadmin iredadmin    4096 Jan 17 14:52 iRedAdmin-0.9
dr-xr-xr-x 11 iredadmin iredadmin    4096 Mar 24 17:53 iRedAdmin-0.9.4
-rw-r--r--  1 root      root       390226 Jan  2 13:17 iRedAdmin-0.9.4.tar.bz2
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root           24 Mar 24 17:54 iredadmin -> /opt/www/iRedAdmin-0.9.4
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root      root           28 Jan 18 07:14 roundcubemail -> /opt/www/roundcubemail-1.3.8
drwxr-xr-x 13 root      root         4096 Jan 17 15:45 roundcubemail-1.3.0
drwxr-xr-x 13 root      root         4096 Jan 18 09:47 roundcubemail-1.3.8
-rw-r--r--  1 root      root      5534385 Oct 26 05:45 roundcubemail-1.3.8-complete.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root      root      3234100 Oct 26 05:45 roundcubemail-1.3.8.tar.gz

the content of iredadmin looks fine too

root@mail /opt/www # tree -d -L 2  iredadmin
|-- SQL
|-- controllers
|   |-- ldap
|   |-- mysql
|   |-- panel
|   `-- pgsql
|-- docs
|-- i18n
|   |-- cs_CZ
|   |-- de_DE
|   |-- en_US
|   |-- es_ES
|   |-- fi_FI
|   |-- fr_FR
|   |-- hu_HU
|   |-- it_IT
|   |-- ja_JP
|   |-- ko_KR
|   |-- nl_NL
|   |-- pl_PL
|   |-- pt_BR
|   |-- ru_RU
|   |-- sl_SI
|   |-- zh_CN
|   `-- zh_TW
|-- libs
|   |-- ldaplib
|   |-- mysql
|   |-- panel
|   `-- pgsql
|-- rc_scripts
|   |-- systemd
|   `-- uwsgi
|-- static
|   |-- default
|   `-- js
|-- templates
|   `-- default
`-- tools


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

- Does file "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css" actually exist?
- How about permission of all parent directories of "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css"?

3 (edited by Norbert 2019-03-27 03:20:18)

Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

The files look not too bad , i think :

iredadmin@mail:/opt/www/iRedAdmin-0.9.4/static/default/css$ ls -al
total 80
dr-xr-xr-x 2 iredadmin iredadmin  4096 Jan  1 13:20 .
dr-xr-xr-x 4 iredadmin iredadmin  4096 Jan  1 13:20 ..
-r-xr-xr-x 1 iredadmin iredadmin  6005 Jan  1 13:20 fancybox.css
-r-xr-xr-x 1 iredadmin iredadmin   260 Jan  1 13:20 ie7.css
-r-xr-xr-x 1 iredadmin iredadmin  1032 Jan  1 13:20 reset.css
-r-xr-xr-x 1 iredadmin iredadmin 56869 Jan  1 13:20 screen.css

whenever I think that the x - bit is not entirely correct, but it is the same on older versions.

Consider also :
root@mail /var/log/nginx # sudo -u iredadmin bash
iredadmin@mail:/var/log/nginx$ ls -al /opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css
-r-xr-xr-x 1 iredadmin iredadmin 1032 Jan  1 13:20 /opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

The path and file look file. Please show me full content of file /etc/nginx/templates/iredadmin.tmpl.

Also try this:

- Login to iRedAdmin(-Pro) first, then visit the URL directly, did you get a "404 not found" error?

- Does emptying web browser cache works for you?
- Try another web browser? or even on another computer?


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

Hi Zhang,
sorry for the late reply. Daily life took its toll ....

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

The path and file look file. Please show me full content of file /etc/nginx/templates/iredadmin.tmpl.

Also try this:

- Login to iRedAdmin(-Pro) first, then visit the URL directly, did you get a "404 not found" error?

- Does emptying web browser cache works for you?
- Try another web browser? or even on another computer?

The template file is unchanged, as far as i see:

# Settings for iRedAdmin.

# static files under /iredadmin/static
location ~ ^/iredadmin/static/(.*) {
    alias /opt/www/iredadmin/static/$1.$2;

# Python scripts
location ~ ^/iredadmin(.*) {
    rewrite ^/iredadmin(/.*)$ $1 break;

    include /etc/nginx/templates/hsts.tmpl;

    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /opt/www/iredadmin;
    uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT iredadmin;
    uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /iredadmin;

    # Access control
    #deny all;

# iRedAdmin: redirect /iredadmin to /iredadmin/
location = /iredadmin {
    rewrite ^ /iredadmin/;
# Handle newsletter-style subscription/unsubscription supported in iRedAdmin-Pro.
location ~ ^/newsletter/ {
    rewrite /newsletter/(.*) /iredadmin/newsletter/$1 last;

The test you suggested gave m e no hints. Th direct accesd to the css gave a 404

Other browsers dont change anything. It mus be a server side problem. Is ther any chance to reinstall iredadmin alone ?


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

I  just started the whole thing with log mode debug  and obended a new session because the problem occurs right from the login page of iredadmin.

I dont see a chance to attach file here so I paste the log output. UI am no specialits so I see nothing obvious but one thing  stands out ; the DOT at the end of the strng in line 237 :

*1 http filename: "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css."

Indeed a file with a DOT at the end of thr name does not exist.  Does it rally try to open a file with this name ? And if yes why ? Or is this a glitch in the logging ß Unforteunately I am stuck here.

Follows the log file

2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http cl:-1 max:12582912
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 rewrite phase: 3
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script regex: "^/iredadmin(/.*)$"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [notice] 7779#7779: *2 "^/iredadmin(/.*)$" matches "/iredadmin/login", client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxxx-service.de"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script capture: "/login"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script regex end
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [notice] 7779#7779: *2 rewritten data: "/login", args: "msg=SESSION_EXPIRED", client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxxx-service.de"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 post rewrite phase: 4
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 5
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 6
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 9
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 post access phase: 11
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 epoll add event: fd:12 op:3 ev:80002005
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "QUERY_STRING: msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "GET"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: "
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: "
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "/iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "PATH_INFO"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "/login"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "PATH_INFO: /login"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "/var/www/html"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/html"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "HTTP/1.1"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "REQUEST_SCHEME"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "https"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "REQUEST_SCHEME: https"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "HTTPS"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "on"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTPS: on"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: ""
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR:"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "55150"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 55150"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "443"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 443"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script var: "_"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "SERVER_NAME: _"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "UWSGI_CHDIR"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "/opt/www/iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "UWSGI_CHDIR: /opt/www/iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "UWSGI_SCRIPT"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "UWSGI_SCRIPT: iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "/iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /iredadmin"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL: max-age=0"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-DE"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS: 1"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip, deflate, br"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_HOST: mail.xxxx-service.de"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_CONNECTION: Keep-Alive"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 uwsgi param: "HTTP_COOKIE: iRedAdmin=dfafc24519a49edb35c6790f2d2836c0d5ea10fd"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http cleanup add: 000056331E916918
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 get rr peer, try: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 stream socket 13
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 epoll add connection: fd:13 ev:80002005
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 connect to, fd:13 #3
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream connect: -2
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 posix_memalign: 000056331E9283E0:128 @16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer add: 13: 60000:1554639870652
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http finalize request: -4, "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED" a:1, c:2
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http request count:2 blk:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http run request: "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/login"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream request: "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream send request handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream send request
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream send request body
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 chain writer buf fl:0 s:911
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 chain writer in: 000056331E916950
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 writev: 911 of 911
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer del: 13: 1554639870652
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer add: 13: 60000:1554639870653
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream request: "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream process header
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D2230:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 recv: fd:13 4096 of 4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http uwsgi status 200 "200 OK"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http uwsgi header: "Content-Type: text/html"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http uwsgi header: "Set-Cookie: iRedAdmin=dfafc24519a49edb35c6790f2d2836c0d5ea10fd; Path=/iredadmin/; httponly"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http uwsgi header done
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 posix_memalign: 000056331E9D3240:4096 @16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2019 12:23:30 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: iRedAdmin=dfafc24519a49edb35c6790f2d2836c0d5ea10fd; Path=/iredadmin/; httponly
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Content-Encoding: gzip

2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D33B8, pos 000056331E9D33B8, size: 309 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:309
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http cacheable: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream process upstream
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe read upstream: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe preread: 3960
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 input buf #0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D4250:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 readv: 1, last:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe recv chain: 1243
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 readv: 1, last:2853
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe recv chain: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe buf in   s:1 t:1 f:0 000056331E9D2230, pos 000056331E9D22B8, size: 3960 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000056331E9D4250, pos 000056331E9D4250, size: 1243 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe length: -1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 input buf #1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe write downstream: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe write downstream flush in
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http output filter "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http postpone filter "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED" 000056331E9D37A8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http gzip filter
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 00007FA5A50B4010:270336
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:00007FA5A50B4010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007FA5A50B6010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007FA5A50C6010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007FA5A50D6010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:00007FA5A50E6010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E9D37D8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D3620 ni:000056331E9D22B8 ai:3960
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D5260:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:000056331E9D22B8 no:000056331E9D5260 ai:3960 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:000056331E9D3230 no:000056331E9D5260 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D3620 pos:000056331E9D22B8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E9D37E8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D36E0 ni:000056331E9D4250 ai:1243
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:000056331E9D4250 no:000056331E9D5260 ai:1243 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:000056331E9D472B no:000056331E9D5260 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D36E0 pos:000056331E9D4250
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: 0 "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 pipe write downstream done
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer: 13, old: 1554639870653, new: 1554639870795
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 finalize http upstream request: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 finalize http uwsgi request
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free rr peer 1 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 close http upstream connection: 13
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9283E0, unused: 48
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer del: 13: 1554639870653
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 reusable connection: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http upstream temp fd: -1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http output filter "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http postpone filter "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED" 00007FFEC6A67350
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http gzip filter
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E9D37B8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D3858 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:000056331E9D5260 ai:0 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:000056331E9D57E4 ai:0 ao:2684 rc:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9D3858 pos:0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 00007FA5A50B4010
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http chunk: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http chunk: 1420
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write old buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D33B8, pos 000056331E9D33B8, size: 309 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D3988, pos 000056331E9D3988, size: 5 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331E0C6B00, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D5260, pos 000056331E9D5260, size: 1420 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331DE9CEB9, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:1751
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter limit 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 posix_memalign: 000056331E92BB40:512 @16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D6E50:16384
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 309
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 5
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 1420
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL to write: 1751
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_write: 1751
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: 0 "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http finalize request: 0, "/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED" a:1, c:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 set http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http close request
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http log handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D5260
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D4250
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D2230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E98C310, unused: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E915BB0, unused: 8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D3240, unused: 1772
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9290D0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 hc free: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D6E50
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 tcp_nodelay
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 reusable connection: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer add: 12: 75000:1554639885795
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http cl:-1 max:12582912
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 rewrite phase: 3
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 post rewrite phase: 4
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 generic phase: 5
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 generic phase: 6
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 generic phase: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 access phase: 8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 access phase: 9
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 access phase: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 post access phase: 11
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 content phase: 12
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 content phase: 13
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 content phase: 14
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 content phase: 15
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 content phase: 16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http script copy: "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http script capture: "default/css/reset.css"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http script copy: "."
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http script capture: ""
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http filename: "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css."
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 add cleanup: 000056331E916A28
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [error] 7779#7779: *1 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxxx-service.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxxx-service.de/iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http finalize request: 404, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?" a:1, c:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http special response: 404, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http set discard body
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2019 12:23:30 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip

2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E98C740, pos 000056331E98C740, size: 179 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:179
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http output filter "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http copy filter: "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http postpone filter "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?" 000056331E916B90
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http gzip filter
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 malloc: 000056331E9D2230:16384
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:000056331E9D2230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D4230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D4A30
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D5230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip alloc: n:512 s:4 a:2048 p:000056331E9D5A30
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in: 000056331E98C980
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C7F8 ni:000056331E0C3700 ai:116
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 malloc: 000056331E9D6E50:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3700 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:116 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3774 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C7F8 pos:000056331E0C3700
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in: 000056331E98C990
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C848 ni:000056331E0C3E00 ai:46
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3E00 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:46 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3E2E no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C848 pos:000056331E0C3E00
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in: 000056331E98C9A0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C898 ni:000056331E0C3C60 ai:402
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3C60 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:402 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3DF2 no:000056331E9D6EF4 ai:0 ao:3932 rc:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 gzip in_buf:000056331E98C898 pos:000056331E0C3C60
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E9D2230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http chunk: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http chunk: 172
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write old buf t:1 f:0 000056331E98C740, pos 000056331E98C740, size: 179 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E98CB00, pos 000056331E98CB00, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331E0C6B00, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D6E50, pos 000056331E9D6E50, size: 172 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331DE9CEB9, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http write filter limit 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 posix_memalign: 000056331E9D2230:512 @16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 malloc: 000056331E9D2440:16384
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL buf copy: 179
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL buf copy: 4
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL buf copy: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL buf copy: 172
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL buf copy: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL to write: 372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL_write: 372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http write filter 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http copy filter: 0 "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http finalize request: 0, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/reset.css?" a:1, c:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 set http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http close request
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http log handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E9D6E50
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E915BB0, unused: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E98C310, unused: 1535
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E9290D0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 hc free: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E9D2440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 tcp_nodelay
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 reusable connection: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 event timer add: 3: 75000:1554639885822
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9290D0:1024
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_read: 507
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_read: -1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_get_error: 2
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 reusable connection: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 posix_memalign: 000056331E98C310:4096 @16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http cl:-1 max:12582912
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 rewrite phase: 3
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 post rewrite phase: 4
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 5
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 6
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 generic phase: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 8
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 9
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 access phase: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 post access phase: 11
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 content phase: 12
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 content phase: 13
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 content phase: 14
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 content phase: 15
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 content phase: 16
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script capture: "default/css/screen.css"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script copy: "."
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http script capture: ""
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http filename: "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css."
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 add cleanup: 000056331E98D188
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [error] 7779#7779: *2 open() "/opt/www/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css." failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css HTTP/1.1", host: "mail.xxxx-service.de", referrer: "https://mail.xxxx-service.de/iredadmin/login?msg=SESSION_EXPIRED"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http finalize request: 404, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?" a:1, c:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http special response: 404, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http set discard body
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2019 12:23:30 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip

2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E915FE0, pos 000056331E915FE0, size: 179 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:179
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http output filter "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http postpone filter "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?" 000056331E98D2F0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http gzip filter
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D2440:16384
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:000056331E9D2440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D4440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D4C40
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:1024 s:2 a:2048 p:000056331E9D5440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip alloc: n:512 s:4 a:2048 p:000056331E9D5C40
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E916220
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E916098 ni:000056331E0C3700 ai:116
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D6E50:4096
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3700 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:116 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3774 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E916098 pos:000056331E0C3700
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E916230
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9160E8 ni:000056331E0C3E00 ai:46
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3E00 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:46 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3E2E no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E9160E8 pos:000056331E0C3E00
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in: 000056331E916240
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E916138 ni:000056331E0C3C60 ai:402
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate in: ni:000056331E0C3C60 no:000056331E9D6E50 ai:402 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 deflate out: ni:000056331E0C3DF2 no:000056331E9D6EF4 ai:0 ao:3932 rc:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 gzip in_buf:000056331E916138 pos:000056331E0C3C60
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D2440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http chunk: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http chunk: 172
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write old buf t:1 f:0 000056331E915FE0, pos 000056331E915FE0, size: 179 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9163A0, pos 000056331E9163A0, size: 4 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331E0C6B00, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056331E9D6E50, pos 000056331E9D6E50, size: 172 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056331DE9CEB9, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter limit 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 malloc: 000056331E9D2440:16384
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 179
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 4
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 10
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 172
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL buf copy: 7
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL to write: 372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_write: 372
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http write filter 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http copy filter: 0 "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?"
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http finalize request: 0, "/iredadmin/static/default/css/screen.css?" a:1, c:1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 set http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http close request
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http log handler
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D6E50
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E98C310, unused: 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E915BB0, unused: 1534
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9290D0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 hc free: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E9D2440
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 reusable connection: 1
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer add: 12: 75000:1554639885822
2019/04/07 12:23:30 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http empty handler
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 event timer del: 3: 1554639885822
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 close http connection: 3
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 SSL_shutdown: 1
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 reusable connection: 0
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E922CE0, unused: 16
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *1 free: 000056331E9D2230, unused: 400
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 event timer del: 12: 1554639885822
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 http keepalive handler
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 close http connection: 12
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 SSL_shutdown: 1
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 reusable connection: 0
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 0000000000000000
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E990070, unused: 0
2019/04/07 12:24:45 [debug] 7779#7779: *2 free: 000056331E92BB40, unused: 400


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

There's an error in file /etc/nginx/templates/iredadmin.tmpl:

Norbert wrote:

# static files under /iredadmin/static
location ~ ^/iredadmin/static/(.*) {
    alias /opt/www/iredadmin/static/$1.$2;

It should be just "$1" in second line, not "$1.$2"


Re: [SOLVED] iredadmin does not find css

Many , many thanks for spotting this !!

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

There's an error in file /etc/nginx/templates/iredadmin.tmpl:

Norbert wrote:

# static files under /iredadmin/static
location ~ ^/iredadmin/static/(.*) {
    alias /opt/www/iredadmin/static/$1.$2;

It should be just "$1" in second line, not "$1.$2"