Topic: foxhole_all not being called by amavis
using iredpro on debian
while sending outgoing test emails via sogo webmail, i attached a file with exe extension which was zipped up using winzip.
the file was was not detected by foxhole_all.cdb which was in placed in /var/lib/clamav directory along with clam signature databases
eicar test signatures where correctly detected though.
extract from /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user file is given below
need help in figuring out what further settings needs to be done to detect banned attachments (such as exe, bat, com, etc) which are archived within zip, tar , etc
# Mark Spam/Virus with third-party clamav signatures: SaneSecurity.
# *) The order matters, first match wins. Set to 'undef' to keep as infected
# *) Anything declared as undefined will be marked as a virus
@virus_name_to_spam_score_maps =(new_RE(
# SaneSecurity + Foxhole
[ qr'^Sanesecurity\.(Malware|Badmacro|Foxhole|Rogue|Trojan)\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^Sanesecurity\.MalwareHash\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^Sanesecurity.TestSig_' => undef ],
[ qr'^Sanesecurity\.' => 0.1 ],
# winnow
[ qr'^winnow\.(Exploit|Trojan|malware)\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^winnow\.(botnet|compromised|trojan)' => undef ],
[ qr'^winnow\.(exe|ms|JS)\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^winnow\.phish\.' => 3.0 ],
[ qr'^winnow\.' => 0.1 ],
# bofhland
[ qr'^Bofhland\.Malware\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^BofhlandMWFile' => undef ],
[ qr'^Bofhland\.Phishing\.' => 3.0 ],
[ qr'^Bofhland\.' => 0.1 ],
# porcupine.ndb
[ qr'^Porcupine\.(Malware|Trojan)\.' => undef ],
[ qr'^Porcupine\.(Junk|Spammer)\.' => 3.0 ],
[ qr'^Porcupine\.Phishing\.' => 3.0 ],
[ qr'^Porcupine\.' => 0.01 ],
# phishtank.ndb
[ qr'^PhishTank\.Phishing\.' => 3.0 ],
# SecuriteInfo
[ qr'^SecuriteInfo\.com\.Spammer\.' => 3.0 ],
# Others
[ qr'^Structured\.(SSN|CreditCardNumber)\b' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^(Heuristics\.)?Phishing\.' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^(Email|HTML)\.Phishing\.(?!.*Sanesecurity)' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^Email\.Spam\.Bounce(\.[^., ]*)*\.Sanesecurity\.' => 0 ],
[ qr'^Email\.Spammail\b' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^MSRBL-(Images|SPAM)\b' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^VX\.Honeypot-SecuriteInfo\.com\.Joke' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^VX\.not-virus_(Hoax|Joke)\..*-SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^Email\.Spam.*-SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^Safebrowsing\.' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^INetMsg\.SpamDomain' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^Doppelstern\.(Spam|Scam|Phishing|Junk|Lott|Loan)'=> 0.1 ],
[ qr'^ScamNailer\.' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^HTML/Bankish' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'(-)?SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)' => undef ],
[ qr'^MBL_NA\.UNOFFICIAL' => 0.1 ],
[ qr'^MBL_' => undef ],
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