Hey Zhang,
Thank you for iredmail 1.0! 
I've just tried to install it on Debian 10 but after i added the firewall rules using the installer script the firewall service for debian was not working anymore.
So i did another install and at the firewall rules step this is the question asked:
< Question > Would you like to use firewall rules provided by iRedMail?
< Question > File: /etc/default/iptables, with SSHD ports: 22. [Y|n]
If i searched correctly the file iptables is not used anymore on Debian 10, it's nftables.
Might that be a small problem in the firewall script that doesn't detect Debian 10 firewall file properly?
In the meantime i skipped the firewall rules, will add them manually later from the example config files.
#edit: even when manually installing nftables before launching iredmail installer the install script still thinks iptables is the file. Answering no then manually copying the nftables.conf provided in the sample firewall folder and restarting nftables works great!
#edit: also discovered that after a fresh install i have the same bug that the one you reported here:
[Warning] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'sogo' user: 'sogo' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
I've tried reinstalling from scratch with only sogo and iredadmin and this problem happens right after the post-install reboot.
This problem also translates to mariadb service not beeing able to be terminated on server regular reboot / shutdown: "A stop job is running for Mariadb database service" is displayed and freezes the server indefinitively until manual power off.
Disabling the 2 sogo crob job stop the errors as previously reported in the forum.
I created an account and sent a message on the sogo bug report topic.
But i'm surprised to get this error on a fresh debian 10 install with mariadb. Am i the only one?
#PS: also noticed that when i click on "logout" on iredadmin pannel i get a "internal server error" message. It doesn't block anything but i thought i'd just mention it also here