Well it looks like you have your certificate issued successfully!
Did you change your nginx config files when you were trying to do the webroot method?
You might need to revert whatever changes you made there, since we're still getting 404 errors, which means the data was not found on your server
Have you linked your letsencrypt certificate to the default iredmail cert path? and of course restart services.
https://docs.iredmail.org/letsencrypt.h … mbol-links
Although, cloudflare also has you covered with their own SSL cert now 
By the way, your SPF record is incomplete, you need to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail for your domain.
You could perhaps use a record like this:
v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all
~all means softfail (accept message but tag it as fail) or if you want strict SPF you can place -all
Oh yes, and one more thing about cloudflare DNS, about the "proxied" status, as this only does HTTPS proxying, not SMTP, you might have delivery issues, if you want to use the proxy then you should create a separate record A/CNAME unproxied to your origin server IP, and set your MX linking to the unproxied host.
EG: Create an A record named "mx" pointing to
update MX record to point to mx.botboutique.com.br
The proxying is entirely optional though, you can get by fine without it, although it does have some nice features so no harm in using it (I do, and love it)
As an example, here's roughly how I have mine set up in screenshot.
EDIT: Your DNS setup won't be exactly the same as mine, as I use a reverse proxy on-premises which handles the splitting of my web servers, mail servers and others behind the same public IP (in total I run more than 10 web servers at the same location, so can't use simple port forwarding...
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