Topic: outlook Unable to verify the security certificate used by the serve

After the primary domain name certificate is successfully updated, outlook will open the mailbox to prompt the certificate to expire?

What should I do?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: outlook Unable to verify the security certificate used by the serve

It's not very clear what the Outlook prompts. Could you please capture a screenshot to help us understand the issue?

可否将 Outlook 的提示界面截图并上传以便分析。


Re: outlook Unable to verify the security certificate used by the serve

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

It's not very clear what the Outlook prompts. Could you please capture a screenshot to help us understand the issue?

可否将 Outlook 的提示界面截图并上传以便分析。

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证书截图.png 10.64 kb, 1 downloads since 2021-06-02 

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Re: outlook Unable to verify the security certificate used by the serve

- 服务器的时间/时钟是否有问题?试试用 ntp 命令行工具同步下时间。
- 使用的是自签名的 ssl 证书吗?证书的过期时间不对?