Topic: spider-import does not work when certificates are installed

Today I tried a run of spider-import with installed certificates from let's encrypt. While the normal use is okay and the browser establishes a ssl encrypted connection, spider-import does report the following:

Failed in pinging api server: /api/ping, Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

After removing the certificates spider-import is working as it should.



Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: spider-import does not work when certificates are installed

After requested ssl cert successfully, Spider will forward http traffic to https, so you have to use https endpoint instead.

Please specify the hostname in endpoint. For example:

spider-import --api-endpoint https://your-server-hostname/ ...

By the way, you can use the ticket system after logged in to https://store.iredmail.org/ to request tech support too, especially you need to paste some sensitive info in log, etc.


Re: spider-import does not work when certificates are installed

Thank you for the information. Must have overseen this. Sorry for the noise wink


Re: spider-import does not work when certificates are installed

I updated doc to mention this detail moment ago. smile
