Topic: Need help finding the right IMAP/SMTP configuration

- iRedMail version: 1.6.8
- Deployed with: downloadable installer
- Linux version: Ubuntu 22.04
- Web server: Ngnix
- iRedAdmin-Pro? No

Hello, I have iRedMail installed on my server. I have it available at mail.domain1.com, and have it configured **AND WORKING** for receiving and sending emails for domain1.com and domain2.com. I'm able to do this through Roundcube.

I need to configure IMAP/SMTP for mails on both domains but I'm unable to do so for either. I'm now trying with the "simplest" option, configuring IMAP/SMTP for domain1.com addresses. I'm also trying this on Thunderbird to go as close to documentation and other forum members' setups as possible.

Email is set to  {myemail}.domain1.com
Password is set to my password, same used in roundcube

Incoming Server:
Hostname: mail.domain1.com
Port 993
Encryption: SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Normal Password
Username: [same as email above]

Outgoing Server:
Hostname: mail.domain1.com
Port 465
Encryption: SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Normal Password
Username: [same as email above]


I've also tried STARTTLS with ports 143 and 587, and changing authentication method to encrypted password, and autodetect.

However, no combination of settings seems to work. Right now I'm getting "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account". I'm also unable to set it up for other email clients.

I'd appreciate any pointers as to the right settings I should use here, or if there's something else I need to enable on my server. I'm happy to provide relevant logs, but I don't know which logs are relevant to this issue.

Thanks in advance!


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Need help finding the right IMAP/SMTP configuration

- Port 465 for smtp is wrong for sure, smtps protocol is deprecated since years ago.

You have to force postfix config if you must to use it with very old devices or software:

Default port is always smtp 587

-  Thunderbird config  is explained here:

If you still have any issues, you have to check in log files
/var/log/mail.log    for smtp issues
and /var/log/dovecot/imap.log
or /var/log/dovecot/pop3.log


Re: Need help finding the right IMAP/SMTP configuration

ms2504 wrote:

Default port is always smtp 587

Yeah, I've also tried smtp on 587 using STARTTLS. But no luck.

It seems like the problem is somewhere before. I just checked both IMAP and smtp logs, and nothing new shows up when I attempt to connect. What I find intriguing here is that I am able to connect to roundcube just fine, so the mailserver itself is set up correctly, but I can't seem to connect to it through IMAP. Any ideas on where I should look?


Re: Need help finding the right IMAP/SMTP configuration

SMTP: 587, plaintext password, STARTTLS
IMAP: 143, plaintext password, STARTTLS

login: user@domain
password: user password

Roundcube connects to mailserver trough localhost and its backend is just a webinterface running on http server, you cannot compare a working roundcube with a working connection from external

if you connect with wrong password/username, fail2ban blocks your IP
so it could be that you just got banned