Topic: Upgrade from "very old" version

- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 1.6.1
- Deployed with iRedMail Easy or the downloadable installer? Installer
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Debian 10
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? Yes
- [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you're experiencing an issue.

I have iRedmail 1.6.1 installed on Debian 10.
I'd like to pass on the lastest iRedMail,iRedAdminPro and Debian versions.
Also, I'd like to keep all SQL reccords/logs and stored mails.
As you can see, I have several versions late...

Must I make all the iRedAdmin and iRedMail upgrades on the old server before export SQL DB to reinject them in the new server ?

Or I can just make SQL changes of iRed* upgrades, one by one, on the old server to be able to export SQL DBs to reinject them on the new server with iRedAdmin and iRedMail lastest version ?



Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Upgrade from "very old" version

iRedMail version is not that old actually. Just follow our tutorial to upgrade it:

The only concern is old Debian 10, do you plan to upgrade Debian OS?


3 (edited by nicolasfo 2024-07-21 01:21:37)

Re: Upgrade from "very old" version

Yes, I plan to update Debian to the lastest version available at this time, to know 12.6.0.

The main questions are :
- must I follow all available iRed* updates, one by one (7 updates to do in a raw), and then export / import SQL DB in the fresh new server,
- must I, at least, follow all updates of iRed* and only make SQL relative changes before export / import the database in the new fresh server,
- could I export the database in 1.6.1 version and then import the database in the new server, with Debian 12.6.0 and the lastest iRed* versions ?

Hope I'm clear in my questions,
Many thanks


Re: Upgrade from "very old" version

nicolasfo wrote:

- must I follow all available iRed* updates, one by one (7 updates to do in a raw), and then export / import SQL DB in the fresh new server,

- Upgrade one by one, yes.
- But do you plan to upgrade Debian OS in place or move to a new server? Upgrading in place is easier.

nicolasfo wrote:

- must I, at least, follow all updates of iRed* and only make SQL relative changes before export / import the database in the new fresh server,

If you need to migrate other application data, better follow the tutorials strictly, not just apply SQL changes.

nicolasfo wrote:

- could I export the database in 1.6.1 version and then import the database in the new server, with Debian 12.6.0 and the lastest iRed* versions ?

No. Because there're SQL structure changes between iRedMail 1.6.1 and latest 1.7.0, mail services may not work due to missing required SQL columns or values.


Re: Upgrade from "very old" version


I plan to move all datas to a fresh up-to-date new server. I know that upgrade the old server and stay like this is easier but I don't like very much this solution.

OK so the final answer is : follow all the iRed* updates tutorials on the old server to reach the lastest versions of iRed* and then, export/import to the new server.

Many thanks for your answers !