Topic: Adding Server-side Personal Address Books
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 1.7.1
- Deployed with iRedMail Easy or the downloadable installer? Installer
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Rocky 9.5
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
- Web server (Apache or Nginx): Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
I apparently did my most recent full install of iRedMail (back in 2020) without the SoHo option (I had had it installed in earlier incarnations, but no-one was using it). I've kept everything up-to-date since, but SoHo is of course still not present.
We are moving everyone away from Outlook (as Microsoft will be keeping full mailbox copies in the cloud now), so we're installing Thunderbird on about a dozen machines. It would be good if individual users had private address books that were shared among their various devices.
Some questions:
1. is there a simple way to re-add SoHo after the fact, or should I backup-reinstall-restore?
2. are the only ways to implement server-side address books to implement either SoHo or Exchange integration?
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.