Topic: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

I installed iRedmail 1.7.2 on Debian 12. I downloaded in iRedmail site and install via bash script. Installation ended without any problem. iRedmail server working perfectly. My mail server FQDN name is; mx.formdata.com. I created two domain. First domain name is formdata.com, and second domain name is coyatechnology.com. When I sent the mail, mail trying going from user@mx.formdata.com server FQDN. I mean, when I sent the mail, server try from mail user@mx.formdata.com address.
when I try to send mail from user@coyatechnoloy.com, server try from user@mx.formdata.com

However, when I sent mail from user@formdata.com it must go from user@formdata.com.  Or when I sent from user@coyatechnology.com it must be sent from user@coyatechnology.com.

how to solve sender domain?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

How did you try to send the email?


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

I tryed from SOGo web interface.


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

Do you mean this error?
https://docs.iredmail.org/errors.html#r … e-username


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

I Think, no, but I don't sure smile

It would be better to explain with screenshots.
SS1- My Server Hostname
SS2- My e-mail domain name is bpoyraz@microcloud.com.tr
SS3- Sender domain is bpoyraz@mx.formdata.com.tr

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1.png 9.89 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

that is an autogenerated bounce email which always uses the hostname to prevent double bounces

7 (edited by blghnpyrz 2025-02-20 00:59:10)

Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

I am waiting for your valuable opinions. How can I send mail from @mx.formdata.com.tr instead @microcloud.com.tr?

According to my research, this is related with dovecot, but I couldn't figure it out.


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

Mail domain cannot be the same as hostname, this gets mentioned during installation process


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

MTA (Postfix) handles emails sent to system users (e.g. root) and virtual email addresses (stored in MySQL/PgSQL/LDAP). For system users, their email address is "<system-user-name>@<server-hostname>", so you cannot use server hostname as a virtual email domain name, otherwise MTA doesn't recognize the account.


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

Thank you.


Re: Sender domain must not be server FQDN.

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

MTA (Postfix) handles emails sent to system users (e.g. root) and virtual email addresses (stored in MySQL/PgSQL/LDAP). For system users, their email address is "<system-user-name>@<server-hostname>", so you cannot use server hostname as a virtual email domain name, otherwise MTA doesn't recognize the account.

hello, newbie here!
can be use:
as hostname: xyz.example.com
and first mail domain: example.com
