Topic: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release): 0.3



I need to move from iredmail 0.3 to the newest paid version, before buying i need to know how to ease move all users and their mails to the new version. My plan was to setup a new server, with the same host name, and just export the database, and load it into the new server. Would that be enough?

Would all excisting users have acces to SOG aswell? or would it only be new created users?


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

We have a brief tutorial for you:
http://www.iredmail.org/docs/migrate.to … erver.html

madssigvert wrote:

My plan was to setup a new server, with the same host name, and just export the database, and load it into the new server. Would that be enough?

The latest iRedMail has slightly different SQL structure than old iRedMail release, so you should pay attention to the changes.

madssigvert wrote:

Would all excisting users have acces to SOG aswell? or would it only be new created users?

It should work for all users.

3 (edited by madssigvert 2015-10-28 05:38:51)

Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

thank you for the answer!

would it be enought to export the vmail database or should the other ones be transfered aswell ? (roundcube, iredadmin, cluebringer, amavisd)


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

It depends on what data you want to migrate.

*) Roundcube database contains personal address book and contacts.
*) Cluebringer db contains white/blacklists, greylisting, etc.
*) amavisd contains basic info of inbound/outbound emails, and quarantined mails.
*) with OpenLDAP backend, iredadmin db contains mailbox sharing info. with SQL backend, iredadmin doesn't contain any special settings you need to migrate. [NOTE: THIS MAY BE CHANGED IN FUTURE RELEASE.]


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

thank you for the help!


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

update on my progress, i ran into a problem. I have the new server setup, i have sync all the mail from the old server. I made the export of the database, and before that, i ran the mysql commands that were needed to make changes to the database, many of the commands run succesfully with 0 affected rows. As i recall there were only one of the commands that made any changes.

now i have imported the vmail in mysql, from the old server. Users cant logon now, and the changes i need to do, in the guide, on the database dosent work due to:

Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'settings' in 'field list'

i looked through the upgrade tutorials,and cant seem to find any where the settins are added in..?

7 (edited by madssigvert 2015-10-29 22:30:46)

Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

from the log, i can see this when i login.

Oct 29 14:18:13 cmail roundcube: <7q1k0fhr> IMAP Error: Login failed for test2@domain.dk from LOGIN: Temporary authentication failure. [cmail.domain.dk:2015-10-29 14:18:13] in /opt/www/roundcubemail-1.1.1/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 198 (POST /mail/?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)
Oct 29 14:23:04 cmail roundcube: <7q1k0fhr> IMAP Error: Login failed for test2@domain.dk from LOGIN: Temporary authentication failure. [cmail.domain.dk:2015-10-29 14:23:04] in /opt/www/roundcubemail-1.1.1/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 198 (POST /mail/?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

madssigvert wrote:

Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'settings' in 'field list'

This column was introduced in iRedMail-0.8.7:
http://www.iredmail.org/docs/upgrade.ir … l-database


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

would a better solution be to run though all the mysql update parts from all the versions, be a way to get it to work ? or should i be able to go from this 0.3 to 0.8.7, and then the latest ?


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

I want to make one thing clear here:

Is 0.3 the version number of your iRedMail release, or iRedAdmin release? iRedMail-0.3.0 was released on Sep 22, 2008.


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

sorry my mistake, it was the iredadmin release, in the /etc/iredmail.release file it says the version number is 0.8.3 does that make the migration easier?


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

So i went through all the mysql updates steps fro 0.8.3 to the newest version, and now i can log into the webmail part of the site (roundcube) how ever a excisting user cant log into sogo, do i need to sync some users to sogo database? or what am i missing?


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

if i create a new user, that user can log into the sogo account. also if i reset the password of an excisting user, it works aswell...


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

SOGo requires password scheme name in password string. e.g. {CRYPT}, {SSHA}.

15 (edited by madssigvert 2015-10-31 22:33:01)

Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

alright. i can see that in vmail, under mailbox, that the working accounts in sogo, has {SSHA512} infront of the inctrypted password. If i add {SSHA512} infront of the password, on a account, where the login in sogo does not work, it dosent fix the problem, also the account dosent work in roundcube any more, so how far off am i?


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

madssigvert wrote:

If i add {SSHA512} infront of the password, on a account, where the login in sogo does not work, it dosent fix the problem

You must use the correct password scheme name.
For example, for salted MD5 password, you need '{CRYPT}' prefix, and '{SSHA}' for SSHA, '{PLAIN}' for plain password.


Re: migrating from 0.3 to newest version

Perfect i works now. so now i just have to update all the excisting records, and but {CRYPT} infront of each users password. Thanks for taking your time to help.