1 (edited by frol314 2016-11-11 20:19:58)

Topic: iredmail with samba4(AD) on another server!

- iRedMail version 0.9.5-1
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Centos 6.3

iredmail.schema contains errors
1 - givenName twice
(line 367 & 368)
2 - )) instead ) )
(line 369 385 392 399 404)

iredmail.schema - installed on server with samba4(AD) after errorcorrection
ldap_init.ldif contains many error - it is segmented

cat /etc/openldap/schema/init/ldap_init-d.ldif
dn: domainName=comsoft.lan,o=domains,dc=comsoft,dc=lan
objectClass: mailDomain
domainName: comsoft.lan
mtaTransport: dovecot
accountStatus: active
accountSetting: minPasswordLength:8
accountSetting: defaultQuota:1024
enabledService: mail

ldbadd -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb ldap_init-d.ldif
ERR: Naming violation : "objectclass: Invalid RDN 'DOMAINNAME' for objectclass 'mailDomain'!" on DN domainName=comsoft.lan,o=domains,dc=comsoft,dc=lan at block before line 8
Add failed after processing 0 records

if cn=comsoft.lan,o=domains,dc=comsoft,dc=lan
ERR: Naming violation : "structural objectClass mailDomain is not a valid child class for O=domains,DC=comsoft,DC=lan"


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: iredmail with samba4(AD) on another server!

frol314 wrote:

iredmail.schema contains errors
1 - givenName twice
(line 367 & 368)
2 - )) instead ) )
(line 369 385 392 399 404)


frol314 wrote:

ERR: Naming violation : "structural objectClass mailDomain is not a valid child class for O=domains,DC=comsoft,DC=lan"

I don't quite understand what it means with AD. Do you have any hint for me?


Re: iredmail with samba4(AD) on another server!

ZhangHuangbin wrote:

I don't quite understand what it means with AD. Do you have any hint for me?

AD=Active Directory


Re: iredmail with samba4(AD) on another server!

Sure i know what "AD" means, i just don't understand what that error message means in AD.