Topic: sharing SSL with other domains

Hello, I setup several domains using vhost on the same server as iRedMail. When I go to my https domain name websites they are redirected to the https iRedMail mail login. Is there a way I can tell apache in the vhosts to use my cert for domains instead?

using mysql, iRedMail 0.9.5-1, Centos 7, apache 2.4


==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version:
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro?
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.


Re: sharing SSL with other domains

There are plenty of guides to help you setup apache vhosts with different SSL certs, that's easy and probably beyond the scope of this forum.

You might wanna check the UCC SSL certs: https://godaddy.com/help/what-is-a-mult … icate-3908

That way you can use 1 cert for all your domains/services

3 (edited by 00 2016-11-15 11:39:04)

Re: sharing SSL with other domains

I have already setup a vhost file to use another certificate for my domains, however whenever I go to the other domains on port 443 they are redirected to iRedMail login. So my question is, is it possible to use https with other domains on 443 on a single server, or does the iRedMail setup not work well allowing other domains to use port 443?

I have another service using https on a different port and it is not interrupted by iRedMail login. I would really appreciate any knowledge about how iRedMail SSL is setup and where I can look to troubleshoot this issue of my domains using port 443 (https) and being redirected.

mysql, iRedMail 0.9.5-1, Centos 7, apache 2.4


Re: sharing SSL with other domains

00 wrote:

I have already setup a vhost file to use another certificate for my domains, however whenever I go to the other domains on port 443 they are redirected to iRedMail login.

Please check the 'index.html' file in web server DocumentRoot directory.

AND, please ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS show us basic info of your iRedMail server, so that we can give you accurate answer (e.g. config/log file locations):

==== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version:
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL):
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro?
- Related log if you're reporting an issue:


Re: sharing SSL with other domains

"Please check the 'index.html' file in web server DocumentRoot directory."

What should I look for exactly? Everything in the index.php/html file is correct and working.

"AND, please ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS show us basic info of your iRedMail server, so that we can give you accurate answer (e.g. config/log file locations):"

Basic info of my iRedMail server is what I listed at the end of my questions and list again here at the end of this post.

The file location in this case as my question describes is in centos 7's default vhost path.

Unfortunately, in the end, the simple solution was to redo the server and not install iRedMail since it's not straightforward to edit files that allow you to run web sites on the server as well. Maybe I missed pieces of documentation for this but spending much time trying to get everything to work together left me at a dead-end with nowhere to go.

I used another email server option that does allow for domains on SSL and mail server to coexist happily together without the mail program taking over the server settings. While I really like the iredmail bundle, it does not actually encrypt the email files on the server which I discovered later. This is a great solution for some scenarios -- especially if you don't want to put anything else on the server. Otherwise, running your mail server separately from the domains may be the best solution for some who can.

"using mysql, iRedMail 0.9.5-1, Centos 7, apache 2.4"



Re: sharing SSL with other domains

00 wrote:

While I really like the iredmail bundle, it does not actually encrypt the email files on the server which I discovered later.

Did you find any open source (email-related) software encrypt email files on file system?