Topic: Roundcube - addressbook ldap search error
======== Required information ====
- iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):
- Linux/BSD distribution name and version: Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTS
- Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): AD
- Web server (Apache or Nginx):Nginx
- Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? No
- Related log if you're reporting an issue: syslog
Dear Community,
I got an problem with my address book. The authentication against AD works well. But if I want use the addressbook, I got ldap search error. The bind to the AD directory works, but the search not. Always tell me, there is an "operation error". If I change the bind user and PW, always show me the same error (why??). Who can help me? I tested ldapsearch, works also fine. I have no idea why not for the roundcube addressbook.
Postfix and Dovecot are fine.
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> C: Connect [IP-Server:3268]
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> S: OK
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> C: Search base dn: [OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de] scope [sub] with filter [mail=*]
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> Using function ldap_search on scope sub ($ns_function is ldap_search)
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> C: (Without VLV) Setting a filter of mail=*
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> Executing search with return attributes: array (#012 0 => 'mail',#012 1 => 'displayname',#012 2 => 'objectClass',#012)
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> PHP Error: LDAP: ldap_search failed for dn=OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de. Operations error (GET /mail/?_task=addressbook&_action=list&_source=Adressbuch&_remote=1&_unlock=loading1494403819506&_=1494403817896)
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> C: Search base dn: [OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de] scope [sub] with filter [mail=*]
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> Using function ldap_search on scope sub ($ns_function is ldap_search)
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> C: (Without VLV) Setting a filter of mail=*
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> Executing search with return attributes: array (#012 0 => 'dn',#012)
May 10 10:10:19 mail roundcube: <v60q90mg> PHP Error: LDAP: ldap_search failed for dn=OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de. Operations error (GET /mail/?_task=addressbook&_action=list&_source=Adressbuch&_remote=1&_unlock=loading1494403819506&_=1494403817896)
May 10 10:10:19 mail ool www: <v60q90mg> C: Close
ldapsearch -x -h IP-Server -p 3268 (or 389) -D "cn=AD User,ou=Dienstkonten,dc=Domain,dc=de" -w PW -b "ou=Benutzerkonten,dc=Domain,dc=de" -s Sub "(objectClass=user)" mail
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=Benutzerkonten,dc=domain,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectClass=user)
# requesting: mail
# test, Benutzerkonten,
dn: CN=test,OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de
# xxxx, Benutzerkonten,
dn: CN=xxxx,OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de
Config roundcubemail:
// Global LDAP address book.
$config['ldap_public']['Adressbuch'] = array(
'name' => 'Adressbuch',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'hosts' => array('IP-Server'),
'port' => 3268,
#'port' => 389,
'use_tls' => false,
'ldap_version' => '3',
'network_timeout' => 10,
'user_specific' => false,
// Search mail users under same domain.
'base_dn' => 'OU=Benutzerkonten,DC=domain,DC=de',
#'bind_dn' => "",
'bind_dn' => 'CN=ldapuser,OU=Dienstkonten,DC=domain,DC=de',
'bind_pw' => 'PW',
#'hidden' => false,
#'searchonly' => false,
'writable' => false,
#'search_fields' => array('mail', 'cn', 'sAMAccountName', 'sn', 'givenName'),
'search_fields' => array('mail'),
// mapping of contact fields to directory attributes
#'fieldmap' => array(
# 'name' => 'cn',
# 'surname' => 'sn',
# 'firstname' => 'givenName',
# 'title' => 'title',
# 'email' => 'mail:*',
# 'phone:work' => 'telephoneNumber',
# 'phone:mobile' => 'mobile',
# 'phone:workfax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber',
# 'street' => 'street',
# 'zipcode' => 'postalCode',
# 'locality' => 'l',
# 'department' => 'departmentNumber',
# 'notes' => 'description',
# 'photo' => 'jpegPhoto',
#'sort' => 'cn',
'email_field' => 'mail',
'surname_field' => 'displayName',
'scope' => 'sub',
#'filter' => "(&(mail=%s)(objectclass=person)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))",
'filter' => 'mail=*',
'fuzzy_search' => true,
'vlv' => false, // Enable Virtual List View to more efficiently fetch paginated data (if server supports it)
'sizelimit' => '0', // Enables you to limit the count of entries fetched. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'timelimit' => '0', // Sets the number of seconds how long is spend on the search. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'referrals' => false, // Sets the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option. Mostly used in multi-domain Active Directory setups
best regards
Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Supports Amazon S3 compatible storage and custom branding.