thanks for your suggestion, but I'm almost sure, it is related to iRedmail schema, sogoUserSources filters, LDAP DN or etc.
plain sogo without iredmail schemas works
- sure, i'll append ldif
- sure, i'll append the conf
- we've made a lot of tests via sogo webmail - /SOGo
- with different settings, schemas, users settings, ACLs
- result we are expecting is that it will work
- i'm courious if anybody have sogo resources working
for example sogo says use dn: uid=meetingroom,blah..
we tried:
mail=user@domain.tld (user is seen in Global Address Book (and it almost works(except it always says that resource is Free)))
uid= *
plain ldif as is described in http://wiki.sogo.nu/ResourceConfiguration
that ldif but with iredmail objectClass and etc
create a user via iredadmin, add him object classes from resources
many thanks for your time and suggestions.
Post's attachmentsnezasedacka2.ldif 1.34 kb, 3 downloads since 2017-10-10
sogo.conf 2.27 kb, 3 downloads since 2017-10-10
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