So I think I have it figured out. First, remove the existing SOGoUserSources and duplicate it withing the domains = { ... statement for each domain like this:
domains = { = {
SOGoMailDomain =;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoUserSources = (
// Used for user authentication
type = ldap;
id = <domain>_users;
canAuthenticate = YES;
isAddressBook = NO;
displayName = "LDAP Authentication";
hostname = "ldap://";
baseDN = "o=domains,dc=domain,dc=com";
bindDN = "cn=vmail,dc=domain,dc=com";
filter = "objectClass=mailUser AND accountStatus=active AND enabledService=mail AND enabledService=sogo";
scope = SUB;
// The algorithm used for password encryption when changing
// passwords without Password Policies enabled.
// Possible values are: plain, crypt, md5-crypt, ssha, ssha512.
userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha512;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
bindFields = (mail);
// value of UIDFieldName must be unique on entire server
UIDFieldName = mail;
IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
type = ldap;
CNFieldName = cn;
bindFields = (mail);
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
id = <domain>;
isAddressBook = YES;
listRequiresDot = NO;
canAuthenticate = YES;
bindAsCurrentUser = YES;
displayName = "Global Address Book";
hostname = "ldap://";
baseDN = "o=domains,dc=domain,dc=com";
bindDN = "cn=vmail,dc=domain,dc=com";
filter = "((enabledService=mail AND accountStatus=active AND enabledService=displayedInGlobalAddressBook) AND ((objectClass=mailUser AND enabledService=sogo) OR (objectClass=mailList) OR (objectClass=mailAlias)))";
SearchFieldNames = (cn, sn, displayName, telephoneNumber, mail, shadowAddress, departmentNumber);
scope = SUB;
}; = {
SOGoMailDomain =;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoUserSources = (
... etc ...
These are preliminary results with just two domains. Both are separated and setting permissions for "All Authenticated Users" no longer allows access across domains. Seems to be working fine.